Two $4 Skincare Products You Need from Trader Joe’s (Yes, Trader Joe’s!)

Trader Joe's Rose Facial Oil and Rose Facial Toner | @dcgirlinpearls

Happy Monday!! After a weekend filled with a lot of girl talk and wine, I’m feeling pretty energized heading into the week. Finally getting back to a spin class for the first time in 2018 helped, too. I woke up on Sunday just really feeling like I needed a good, sweaty workout. So I headed to Flywheel CityCenter and 45 minutes later left a sweaty mess. Thank god I had the foresight to toss a baseball cap into my bag. And thank you Flywheel for stocking deodorant and face cleanser.

I’ve had this post scheduled for the longest time but with work picking up, I’ve been struggling to work blogging back into my routine. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen my love for Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Oil and Rose Facial Toner on full display.

Side note: I picked up these gorgeous roses from Trader Joe’s (where else?) for $10 and almost 2 weeks later, they are still going strong!

Rose water has long been touted for helping to smooth skin, balance your skin’s pH, containing anti-inflammatory properties, providing hydration, and having anti-aging benefits. And for someone who’s getting ready for a 10 year high school reunion, I need all the anti-aging benefits I can find. After using Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Oil and Facial Toner for a month, both of these products have secured permanent spots in my skincare routine. Here’s why:

Trader Joe's Rose Facial Oil and Rose Facial Toner | @dcgirlinpearls

Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Oil

Why should I use facial oil?

I picked up the Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Oil on a whim because for $4, why not? You get 1 oz of rose facial oil and believe me, this will last you a long time. I’ve used mine every day for a month and have barely made a dent in it. Like I said earlier, rose water is known for its anti-redness and anti-inflammatory properties. For someone who gets roseaca, this is music to my ears.

When do I use facial oil?

I use Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Oil every night. I remove my makeup, cleanse my face and then splash some lukewarm water on my face before I apply the facial oil. I massage several drops of facial into my skin and voila! You can use it in the morning as well if you’d like, as long as you cleanse your skin first.

I have oily skin – will facial oil make my skin more oily?

As a teen, I hated having oily skin and always felt like I had more pimples than my friends. I never had acne thankfully but still when you’re a teen, everything is so much more dramatic and a big deal. While I’ve made peace with my oily skin, I’m always on alert for anything that could make it flare up. I ran away from facial oil for years. Put more oil on my already oily skin? Yeah, hard pass. Not going to fall for that one. But as counterintuitive as it sounds, facial oil does not make your skin more oily. Healthy and glowy, yes. Shiny and greasy, no. *Praise hands emoji*

Will facial oil make me break out?

Again, by the power of rose water, Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Oil will not make you break out. In fact, facial oil is said to often up help clear up any breakouts.

Trader Joe's Rose Facial Oil and Rose Facial Toner | @dcgirlinpearls

Trader Joe’s Rose Water Facial Toner

Do I really need to add facial toner to my skincare routine?

After falling in love with the rose facial oil, when I spied the rose facial toner on the shelves at Trader Joe’s I immediately tossed it into my cart. Again, for $4, why not? Trader Joe’s Rose Water Facial Toner contains Damask rose water, witch hazel, and soapbark (which I’d never heard of before this). The rose water works to moisturize your skin, witch hazel is a superstar at balancing and toning your complexion, and soapbark helps to soften your skin. Basically you’re getting all the skincare powerhouses in one bottle for $4. So yes, definitely add this to your skincare routine.

When do I use facial toner?

I use the facial toner in the morning when I get out of the shower and again at night after I apply the rose facial oil. You can also mist the facial toner onto your face throughout the day for a little pick-me-up. But I know my co-workers would never let me live that one down so I stick to morning and night.

Trader Joe’s Rose Facial Toner will leave you smelling like a rose garden!

Okay, this isn’t a question but it just had to be in a bigger font. Because it’s honestly my favorite part about the Rose Facial Toner and how it sealed the deal to become a daily part of my routine. There’s something just so relaxing about this right before I crawl into bed with a book. It’s one of those little luxuries that just closes the day out on the right (and fragrant!) note.

Trader Joe's Rose Facial Oil and Rose Facial Toner | @dcgirlinpearls


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  1. 3.5.18
    Daria Ed said: