Spring Wellness Goals

How To Practice Self-Care | @dcgirlinpearls

Sneakers // Beats Headphones

For the last year, my overall wellness definitely was solidly on the back burner. I was occasionally going to spin or barre class but not with enough regularity and I was constantly mindlessly snacking and indulging way too often. And it all caught up with me. Big time.

Switching jobs definitely helped with my stress level. So while my mental wellness was on a good path, my physical wellness still had a ways to go. But I kept putting it off and telling myself next week I’d get serious about getting back to working out and eating more healthfully. Then I looked at my calendar and realized my high school reunion was rapidly approaching. No time like the present so today I’m going full-speed ahead and thought I’d share my spring wellness goals with you.

1 // Make exercise a priority

I love going to barre class. I get in more steps walking to and from class and the hour that I’m in the studio working out, I’m actually able to get out of my head and not have my mind going in a million different directions. While I’m normally thinking about upcoming work projects or composing an email or brainstorming, when I’m in class I can truly let all that go. I focus on my movements and that’s it. It’s incredibly calming while also being a killer workout that leaves my muscles shaking. And makes me momentarily regret living in a walk-up! As much as I love my barre classes, in the last year with work it was just too easy to cancel my post-work class because I was too tired. Or I just wanted to sit on my couch. So priority #1 for my spring wellness goals is adding exercise back into my routine.

2 // Be mindful of my diet

I consider myself a pretty healthy eater. I love veggies and eat very little red meat, I much prefer veggie burgers, salmon or chicken for protein. But I’m prone to mindlessly snacking and making that 3pm vending machine run to step away from my desk. Which adds up over time and well, here we are. I don’t like counting calories and being obsessive about every little bite. My spring wellness goal is to be mindful of my diet and make sure I’m filling my bowl with greens, veggies and lean protein and that I’m eating for fuel, not boredom.

3 // Drink more water

Guys, I’ve gotten so bad at drinking water. It’s embarrassing. There have been entire days where I don’t think I drank any water. I’ve set the goal of refilling my tumbler 3 times when I’m at work and thanks to Kendall via gchat check-ins, I’m already doing well with this spring wellness goal. In fact, I’m drinking water right now as I type out this post. Once I get home from work, my goal is to refill my tumbler another 2 times before bed.

4 // Get back to meditating

When I was incredibly stressed a year ago, I downloaded the Headspace app to help me fall asleep. The 10 minute meditations did the trick and I was able to fall asleep quickly without needing to rely on melatonin. I’m a night owl by nature and getting a full night’s sleep has always been a struggle. I still have Headspace on my phone and have set a new alarm on my phone to re-introduce meditation before bed and make it a habit again.

Alright, here we go! I’ll check back in in a month. If you have any spring wellness goals, please share! We’re all in this together…and now I have High School Musical stuck in my head…

P.S. I’ve been a long-time face of Sephora sleeping masks but had never tried their face masks before. Tonight I tried the Sephora pearl face mask and loved it! I picked it up at Sephora a few weeks ago for $6 on a whim. The pearl face mask brightens and evens your complexion, two things I need. Having the sheet on your face took a little getting used to but you only keep it on for 15 minutes and I already felt a difference as soon as I took the mask off. If you need a little pick-me-up for your Monday or really any day, Sephora collection face masks are wonderful and so budget-friendly.

JRINK Juicery Glow | @dcgirlinpearls JRINK Juicery Glow | @dcgirlinpearls


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