Trader Joe’s Hack to Clean Makeup Brushes

Sharing a safe + cost-effective Trader Joe’s hack to clean makeup brushes!

My love for Trader Joe’s doesn’t stop with their groceries – their skincare + sundries also hold a special place in my heart. Trader Joe’s Marula oil + Tea Tree Face Wash are repeat purchases for me (I’ve been using this face wash for over a decade!).

I learned about this hack from @TraderJoesList on Instagram – go hit follow if you don’t already!!

I don’t wear CC cream or foundation as often as I used to (I talk more about the reason why here) so cleaning my makeup brushes hasn’t exactly been top of my mind. But they recently caught my eye + I put it on my to-do list for a rainy Sunday.

There are so many makeup cleansers out there on the market but my favorite makeup cleanser might surprise you!

trader joe's fruit and vegetable wash to clean makeup brushes -

Trader Joe’s Hack to Clean Makeup Brushes

Trader Joe’s Fruit and Vegetable Wash costs just under $4 + is remarkably efficient at removing makeup residue from your makeup brushes. It takes no time at all + is a great weekend task when you want to feel productive + are in the mood to clean up.

Always a good feeling to check something off your list ???? Plus, you don’t really want to think about what that makeup residue on your brush is doing to your skin. Blegh! Okay, moving on.

Pour some of the Trader Joe’s Fruit and Vegetable Wash into a small bowl. Stir your makeup brush around in the wash, you’ll start seeing the water turn color. It’s one of those things that’s gross but also oddly satisfying. And better to have that in the bowl than on your face!

Once you’ve gotten the makeup off your brush, rinse it with cold water + place on a paper towel to dry out. If it’s been awhile since you’ve cleaned your makeup brushes (looking at me), you might have to repeat the first step a couple of times to make sure it’s all off.


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