The Effortless Postpartum Outfit: Why a Nap Dress and Lady Jacket Are My Go-To

Sharing about my unofficial postpartum outfit when I want to feel more put-together! It’s nursing-friendly and comfortable for c-section recovery.

Hill House Ellie Nap Dress (The print is Diane Hill Blue Chinoiserie and I wear a size small, nap dresses run quite generously) // J.Crew Lady Jacket Cardigan // Jack Rogers // LL Bean Boat and Tote

Whew, this is my first style post since Baby Thomas came into the world in January. It’s been a whirlwind of exhaustion, healing, emotions (the hormone regulation is no joke), and adjusting to life with our little buddy. My outfit rotation in the early survival stage of caring for a newborn has been in the vein of maternity leggings, oversized sweatshirts, and well-worn tshirts. Still is on most days if I’m being totally honest.

I am also still recovering from a last minute and unplanned c-section. Especially in the hospital and in those first weeks at home, my abdominal binder was/is my best friend and coughs and sneezes my worst enemy. Nothing prepared me on just how treacherous the c-section recovery journey would be. I mean, I’m well aware of it being categorized as major surgery and I never once thought it would be a walk in the park.

Funnily enough, it would take me weeks to be strong enough to walk Riley (our dog) to the park.

My incision site and lower stomach are still both extremely tender and sensitive. At times, they feel like they have a mind of their own. And their mind is fickle. Moving too little can cause them to hurt, moving too much or in the wrong way and I would be on the verge of tears or at the point where I just had to let those tears spill over.

They also dictate what clothes I can wear.

Even nearly two months later, the idea of having anything remotely tight around my waist is an immediate no. I was really excited to open my wardrobe options back up for more postpartum outfit options. The reality of my c-section recovery means I’m still reaching for my later-in-pregnancy maternity pants.

And that is more than okay!!

Comfort is key to healing and my recovery and right now that looks like high-waisted items that bypass my lower stomach altogether.

While I do want to be comfortable and let’s be honest, it’s so easy to get into the habit of reaching for leggings every day. I’m absolutely guilty of that. I do still want to look and feel like myself (another key aspect for my recovery).

My go-to postpartum outfit for when I want to feel more put-together? A nap dress and a lady jacket.

Hill House Nap Dress

Why Comfort and Ease Matter in Postpartum Dressing

In terms of healing, I am still very firmly in the postpartum phase. Right now any restrictive clothing feels really uncomfortable and that discomfort or pain can last for hours or days.

Between nursing, unpredictable schedules, and my new morning alarm clock that sends me flying out of bed and immediately into a maternal fight-or-flight mode — easy, throw-on outfits are essential.

I am currently nursing and I might write another post on that experience in the future because I have a lot of thoughts. I will say in terms of postpartum outfit ideas, nursing makes me just feel messy. Leaking, frequent feeding, etc. make it really easy to reach for my oldest sweatshirt. Why bother making an effort? is a refrain in my head I’m constantly battling these days.

But I make an effort because I know feeling both comfortable and put together do wonders for my mental health. And as my much wiser mom friends remind me, a happy mama means a happy baby.

Grandmillennial Postpartum Outfit

The Nap Dress: The Perfect Postpartum Staple

Nap dresses burst onto the scene in popularity almost 5 years ago but I only jumped on the bandwagon during my pregnancy. They’re soft, flowy, and stretchy. The ideal trio of adjectives for pregnancy and postpartum figures. They’re also nursing-friendly if you are going that route.

A nap dress is also just effortless elegance. No buttons, no zippers, no fuss. You throw it on and go. In the mornings, Baby Thomas typically lets me know he’s up and ready to go right at 7am (after our recent meeting at 4/4:30am). A quick diaper change, nursing, and a fresh pair of pajamas and he’s ready to conquer his big day of sleeping, eating, and tummy time.

Me, on the other hand? I need a minute. With the hustle and flurry of morning activities, it was too easy to grab my leggings and sweatshirt from the bedroom floor so I could be dressed in a flash…to go downstairs and hang out on the couch with him.

Throwing on a nap dress takes the same amount of time and makes me feel immediately better. It’s truly the easiest way to level up my everyday outfit.

Hill House has the market pretty much cornered when it comes to nap dresses. They are admittedly on the pricey side. I didn’t take the plunge until I was halfway through my pregnancy because I needed a dress that would stretch with me and would also work with my postpartum figure as well as be nursing friendly. I’ve since added a couple more nap dresses to my closet after my original purchase. During pregnancy when I felt like my closet was dwindling by the day, I knew I could put on a nap dress and it would fit and be comfortable and I would feel like myself while wearing it. I definitely hit my cost per wear.

More Affordable Nap Dress Options 

The Lady Jacket: Instant Polish

A lady jacket, or tweed cardigan-style jacket, instantly elevates any look. I love wearing mine with jeans! It’s not surprising lady jackets are so popular as a finishing touch to an outfit. They’re structured yet comfortable, a perfect blend for feeling pulled together without being stiff.

Lady jackets are also so easy to throw over a nap dress. I thought perhaps the nap dress’s signature ruffled straps would look weird or lumpy underneath the lady jacket. But it’s not! They’re a wonderful combination to add instant polish.

I love wearing my lady jacket as a cardigan for cooler weather or thrown over the shoulders to accessorize. I’ve worn this outfit formula when running errands, taking Baby Thomas to his pediatrician, and when family and friends have visited to meet our little guy.

LL Bean Tote

How To Style This Postpartum Outfit

A Simple But Chic Postpartum Formula

Adjusting to postpartum life is already a challenge. Getting dressed shouldn’t be another stressor in your day.

A nap dress and lady jacket make it easy to feel put together without sacrificing comfort and without taking a long time when you only have a few minutes to get ready for the day.

If you’re in the postpartum stage (or just love an easy outfit formula), I’d love to hear your go-to look!

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