
Full disclosure: I am not a morning person. I’ve made enormous strides since my elementary school days when I pleaded, begged and bargained my way to staying in bed as long as possible. But I’m still not exactly jumping out of bed when my alarm clock starts ringing. Once I’m out of bed, half of the battle is over. The next battle? My outfit for the day.

I try to plan my outfits in advance but there are some evenings where I fall asleep before laying out my clothes or when I do put the outfit on the next morning, I look in the mirror and question what I was thinking.

The best outfits for those mornings are ones that require very minimal thinking (remember, this is pre-caffeine). Popovers

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Monday through Friday, J.Crew popovers can be tucked into your favorite pencil skirt or sleek trousers. Saturday and Sunday? Swap the pencil skirt for a colorful pair of shorts and you are ready to go from errands to a late brunch with the girls in a snap.

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