poolside essentials

Memorial Day is the official start to summer, which means watermelon, ice cream, lemonade (with booze) and other refreshing treats to beat the heat. DC’s humidity is akin to living in a swamp and  you will find yourself longing for a cabana, to find an oasis in the middle of the city.

My apartment building does not have a pool so I honestly would settle for a kiddie pool. But that doesn’t mean one cannot look cute while cooling down in a kiddie pool.

Memorial Day Poolside

Flip Flops | Chino Shorts | Koozie | Aviators | Bikini | Tote 

Flip Flops: Save the Jacks for brunch and dates. When you are just lounging around the (kiddie) pool, stick with the inexpensive flip flips. Target has a wonderful shoe department and you are sure to find an adorable pair to perfectly match your swim suit.

Swim Suit: Speaking of swim suits and Target, I have only purchased Target swim suits in about 10 years. Let’s face it, between the constant application of sunscreen and the pool’s chlorine, your swim suit can really only last one, maaaaybe two summers. Your bikini takes a lot of wear and tear. To me, splurging on a swim suit makes zero sense. I love Target’s Mossimo swim line, I stick with my tried-and-true coral bandeau top with matching bottoms.

Shorts: J.Crew shorts are a solid summer investment. They last you for years and breathe in the summer (remember how I virtually live in a swamp?). In a variety of colors, you can find the best shade to mix and match your summer wardrobe.

Aviators: This isn’t the last you’ll hear from me on aviators. While I am a Wayfarers gal the rest of the year, summer belongs to the aviators. Expect a future style post : )

Koozie: Self explanatory.

Tote: My L.L. Bean tote is virtually indestructible. Drag it to the beach, accidentally drop it in the pool, this tote will survive. Toss in your sunnies, sunscreen, water bottle/Diet Coke/beverage of your choice, and towel. It will fit everything, I promise. Bonus: you can monogram it!

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