{My Life in France}

Remember how on Monday I talked about picking up {My Life in France} by Julia Child at the library? Well, I finished it last night! To say I could not put it down is a complete understatement. I stopped reading to send out several job applications but other than that, I could not put down this book.

Before I picked up the book, I was worried it would be slow going. I do not know much about Julia Child other than she was extremely tall, had a silly voice, revolutionized American cooking and I’ve seen her kitchen at the Smithsonian. Also, I’ve never been to Europe let alone France.

Well, this book resonated with me deeply because of two common themes:

Admire the small details 

Take time to stop and smell the roses 

It’s true that I am a busy, on the go kind of person and I thrive under pressure and deadlines. After all, I’m looking to work in PR! However, reading {My Life in France} made me realize I need to stop staring at the big picture and what’s going to happen in the future to focus on the here and the now.

I’ve talked about how it’s easy to get discouraged with The Job Hunt and her two themes are important facets for me to remember as I type out cover letter after cover letter. It is so easy to get caught up in the scary, unknown Big Picture Future and not stop to smell the roses.

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to make the pesto tortellini I had in my pantry forever. I took the time to chop up fresh basil and put it over my tortellini with vodka sauce. Instead of sitting in front of the TV to eat, I sat down at the dining room table and enjoyed my meal. It was a simple plate of pasta that took maybe 15 minutes to make but it was the details that made it amazing.

I would highly recommend {My Life in France} to all of my readers because I feel Julia’s (yes, we are on a first name basis now) words of wisdom are applicable not only in the kitchen but in everyday life. I read the book and now all I want to do is visit a farmer’s market and go on a picnic.

Has a book ever touched you deeply? P.S. I’m thinking of adding more tidbits of my personal life on the blog, what do you lovely readers think?

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  1. 7.18.12

    Lauren, first and foremost, your blog is for you. Personal tidbits are what separates a blog from all the other blogs out there on the Internet. I highly recommend including personal anecdotes. It shows authenticity and transparency.

    When you are searching for a job, your blog can provide personal insight into who Lauren is beyond some bullets on your resume. If you choose to include it it can potentially be that something that sets you apart from other candidates. Plus, it also serves as a writing example for your PR career.

    One caveat though, please be aware of the kind of personal information you are putting out there for the world to see. Good luck! I look forward to seeing where your blogging takes you!

  2. 7.18.12
    Heather said:

    I’ll have to pick up that book! If you’re looking for other life-changing books, I’d recommend The Happiness Project. It got a lot of attention in the blog world last year and it really is one of those books that makes you think and re-evaluate the way you’re living for the better.