IZZE Sparkling Juice Summer

A relaxing weekend with IZZE | dcgirlinpearls.com

The thing no one tells you about growing up is that you have to work during the summer. Sure, there are “Summer Fridays” but those lazy hazy crazy days of summer spent at the beach or pool or just playing in the backyard without a care in the world?

They’re gone.

Before I get to sounding too depressing, here are some AWESOME tacos I’ve been living on since before Cinco de Mayo. Feeling better? Okay, let’s get back to the happy. 

A relaxing weekend with IZZE | dcgirlinpearls.com

Lately, Monday through Friday has been A) nonstop, go-go-go action and B) monsoon-level rainy. Which makes weekends that much sweeter to unwind and just hang out.

I’m normally a very social person and I’d definitely consider myself an extravert, I need people to keep my energy up. But lately, on the weekends, I’ve grown to appreciate some built-in alone time with just a large blanket, a good book or magazine, my trusty pair of sunglasses and a can or two of IZZE.

Because I really can’t go anywhere without a carbonated drink.

A relaxing weekend with IZZE | dcgirlinpearls.com

I love sticking my phone into my tote, slipping off my Jacks and just tune out the world for an hour or two. On an unrelated note, does anyone else have a serious Jacks tanline? Please tell it’s not just me!

My absolute essential to mini picnics in the park has be IZZE Sparkling Juice. Nothing beats the DC heat like a fizzy drink and IZZE’s Sparkling Clementine does the trick for me. Lately on my weekly trips to Eastern Market, I toss a Sparkling Juice into my tote because after about 3 blocks in the hot sun + humidity, lord knows I need it.

And because no matter how stressful work can get, don’t forget…

A relaxing weekend with IZZE | dcgirlinpearls.com

If you’re traveling around the globe this summer or just staycationing, like me, in the park a block from your apartment.

Have a lovely weekend!

A relaxing weekend with IZZE | dcgirlinpearls.com

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IZZE Sparkling Juices

This post was sponsored by IZZE®.  All opinions and product sentiments are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep the DC Girl in Pearls party going!

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