Charleston City Market

Charleston City Market |

If I lived in Charleston, I think I’d visit the Charleston City Market every single weekend. From colorful dresses to spicy seasonings, the historic market is my paradise.

Seriously, pinch me because I think I’m still dreaming.

On Sunday, I explored the market with Katie of Twin Stripe, Nikki of Bedazzles After Dark, Lindsay of Sugar + Something and Alex of Pinrose and had an absolute blast between checking out the different vendors and shops and snapping pictures. More Charleston photos will come soon but for now, here are the highlights of the Charleston City Market…


Escapada, you get me. Really regretting not pulling the trigger on the red + navy sleeveless Libby dress for 4th of July BBQs this weekend…

Charleston City Market |

Charleston City Market |

Of course, I don’t discriminate between the clothing vendors + the food vendors. I’m just simply not that kind of girl. I could easily have spent the entire day perusing the different spices, seasonings + packages of grits. There was also a table dedicated to awesome looking cookbooks but then a particular table caught my eye…

The Spice and the Spoon was a big highlight on the market for me. An entire table dedicated to spicy seasonings?! Pinch me, I’m dreaming. Ghost Crab, The Ghost, City Market + Shem Creek Shrimp spices all came back to DC with me and I’ve already started brainstorming recipes for these bad boys. Spoiler alert: Ghost Crab-cakes and a pretty bomb BLT are in the lead so stay tuned for more! P.S. You can order these spices online so us non-Charlestonians can still get our seasonin’ on.

Charleston City Market |

The spices also make pretty awesome dips when paired with Greek yogurt, whipped cream cheese or sour cream. I could have eaten an entire sample table by myself. Easily.

Charleston City Market |

Charleston City Market |

Of course, since it’s Charleston, pineapples and blue + white plates were everywhere!! Next time, I’m either packing bubble wrap or just going to have some of these pieces shipped back to DC because really, they’re just too pretty for a picture to do them justice.

Charleston City Market |

Charleston City Market |

Please share suggestions of places to visit, and more importantly eat, in Charleston. I might have already started an itinerary for my next visit en route to the airport…

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  1. 6.30.15
    meredith gauthier said:

    The rarebit!! Best moscow mules you will ever have