DIY Turquoise Dipped Porcelain Spoons

DIY Turquoise Dipped Porcelain Spoons - DC Girl in Pearls

You know those ads that pop up constantly around this time of year? Nope, not talking about eHarmony,,, no siree. I’m talking about seasonal depression. You wake up in the morning and it’s gray and dreary. You go home from work and it’s gray and dreary. It can be well…depressing. Thankfully, there are some surefire ways to beat the drab: ice cream, rainbow sprinkles + a little old-fashioned DIYin’.

These DIY dipped spoons only require the almighty painter’s tape + the spray paint color of your choice. At first, I instinctively reached for my tried-and-true gold metallic paint but you know, sometimes you gotta go with the neon.

Plus, it matches the rainbow sprinkles.

Sayonara, winter doldrums. Hellooo, turquoise-dipped spoon in my sundae!!

How are you beating the winter doldrums?

DIY Turquoise Dipped Porcelain Spoons - DC Girl in Pearls

DIY Turquoise Dipped Porcelain Spoons - DC Girl in Pearls


Porcelain cutlery

Painter’s tape

Spray paint


Using the edge of the tape to create a straight line, cover the part of the spoon you don’t want painted using the painter’s tape.

In a well-ventilated area, spray the spoons for about 10-15 seconds. These spoons don’t require a heavy coating.

Let the spoons dry for about 3 hours to play it safe, flip the spoons over and spray again. Let dry + voila!

DIY Turquoise Dipped Porcelain Spoons - DC Girl in Pearls

DIY Turquoise Dipped Porcelain Spoons - DC Girl in Pearls

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