all aboard

Caboose Pic

This weekend, I went back home to New York for my 5 year high school reunion and my brother {Tommy}’s Special Olympics. After living in a city, I think I appreciate my home more for its charm and calm. One afternoon, I was sitting on our front steps, watching kids walking home from school and biking to baseball practice. People waved as they drove by. Let’s face it, I grew up in Mayberry.

My favorite part of my village of Orchard Park is its history. Several homes were part of the Underground Railroad and were built by Revolutionary patriots. On my last day, I drove around with my mother snapping pictures of my favorite homes and scenes. I also had a little impromptu photo shoot at the old train depot around the corner from my house:

Orchard Park SignBracelet Steering WheelOriginal Instagram PicDouble Door EntranceWaitingEase On Down the Road

Dress | Sandals | Bracelet | Nail Polish | Wayfarers

Is my love of all things rustic making sense now? Of course I am biased but upstate New York has some of the best antiquing around. After all, I had a once-bustling train station as my playground for an afternoon!

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  1. 5.21.13

    Love the post! I didn’t realize you were from upstate NY! Elyse and I both went to school in Rochester and absolutely loved it!
