{Take Five}

Today is exactly one month until DC Girl in Pearls‘ 2nd birthday! Expect lots of sparkles, sprinkles and celebrations in the next 30 days. I’m still figuring out a birthday party plan, ideas??

I thought it’d be fun to share five things about myself that you wouldn’t necessarily know. I opened it up to Twitter to ask me a question and I would answer (within reason).

If you could have dinner with three famous people, dead or alive, who would you choose and why? 

1. Brian Williams: To say I have a crush on Brian Williams is putting it mildly. In my opinion, he is a dreamboat and is a wonderful news anchor to top it off. I have a soft spot for broadcast journalism 🙂

2. Jackie Kennedy: In college, I helped coordinate logistics for conferences on first ladies at presidential libraries. It was an incredible experience and gave me the opportunity to delve into the world of the East Wing. Jackie has always fascinated me as a style icon but I’d love the opportunity to ask her how she really felt about the Kennedy clan, who did she think assassinated JFK, if the Camelot myth was a PR stunt and all those burning questions!

3. Lilly Pulitzer: I’d love the chance to ask her how she took a simple juice stand and turned into a major lifestyle brand. Lilly is the epitome of personal branding so I’d love to talk marketing shop with her.

What is the hardest part of the transition from a small town to DC?

When I first came to DC in the fall of 2008, I remember the hardest part was getting acclimated to public transportation. The bus system made absolutely no sense to me and the people on it were a bit…ahem…unsavory for this small town girl. I learned to be aware of my surroundings and I still rely heavily on my DC NextBus  and Google Maps apps (I’m directionally challenged).

What type of job do you have? How did you get interested in your field? 

I work on the Hill in a press shop, not saying for whom though! I grew up in a politically active family, and unlike other families, my parents were talk to me about current events and we’d discuss the news from an early age. I honestly cannot remember a night where we didn’t have the nightly news on after dinner so I suppose that’s the start of my interest in media and communications. When it came to choose my major, I originally thought poli sci, history or even pre-law but after a couple of communications courses, I was hooked. And now I have a job where I spend all day watching, monitoring and contributing to the news!

Top 5 favorite spots in DC? 

Ooh this is a tricky question because I have so many favorite places in Washington. If this question was for my top 5 favorite restaurants in DC, I’d have to spend several days narrowing it down. But let’s see, the top 5 that popped into my head (in no particular order):

1: Book Hill, Georgetown: Next to Georgetown Public Library, I love how quiet and peaceful this park is. I can read on a blanket or just Zen out.

2. Eastern Market: This place houses my favorite pickle stand, consignment shop, book shop, and tons of local produce. What’s not to love?!

3. Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe: This is one of my Zen places. I just love to stroll around the books, pick up a particularly interesting book and add to my constantly growing list of books to read. The cafe is adorable and has the best desserts! I also love their Hot Almond Joy to warm up those chilly, rainy days.

4. National Mall: I don’t go as often as I should but walking around the monuments can be so incredibly inspiring and can put everything into perspective. I went yesterday to see the cherry blossoms and I had a wonderful time: the military branches had a demonstration with their drill teams! I feel as if I learn something new about our country’s history each time I visit.

5. Capitol Hill: I’ve heard someone say that once the sight of the Capitol dome does not inspire you, you should move out of DC. Even though I’ve been here for several years, I sometimes feel as if the Capitol dome is actually just a movie prop and think “Nope, no way could that possibly be real.” But it is and it’s breath taking.


Photo taken at the top of the Capitol Dome

What is your guilty pleasure?

I love reading my horoscope! I know, I know, it’s pseudo-science, not scientifically proven, blah blah blah. However, I just get a kick out of reading my daily horoscope and actually, I’ve had a couple of odd coincidences with my horoscope so who knows?

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