

Peach Crumble Smoothie Bowl

Okay, I’m officially hopping on the smoothie bowl trend bandwagon. I’d seen these beautiful creations pretty much every morning as I scroll through Instagram each morning in bed but chalked it up as the food porn version of the flat…

Lucky Charms Cereal Milk Overnight Oats

Working title: Reason #2759 I shouldn’t really be left without supervision. Because this happens. When you were a kid did you beg your parents to pick up your favorite cereal at the grocery store? You might even have gone so…

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee

Sipping in a winter wonderlaaaannnndd. Seriously, just wait until you see the whipped cream!! You know the part in the song where it says “it’s a whipped cream day?” I never really paid much attention to that line but the…

Apple Pie Smoothie

I’m not a morning person, I’m a faux morning person. When the alarm rings and I absolutely have to roll out of bed, I can get ready and be out the door in roughly 30-35 minutes. Breakfast bars and baggies of…

Iced Cookie Butter Coffee

I have iced coffee envy. I might sound like a broken record but while I love the smell of coffee, the taste just doesn’t do it for me. When I meet with friends for coffee, I get a chai and…

Hi, I’m Lauren Anne and I’m so happy you’re here! Welcome to my blog, where I share classic style, tasty recipes, fun cocktails, snippets of my everyday life with my husband, James, and our sweet hound, Riley, and more.

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