Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee |

Sipping in a winter wonderlaaaannnndd. Seriously, just wait until you see the whipped cream!! You know the part in the song where it says “it’s a whipped cream day?” I never really paid much attention to that line but the moment I put the whipped cream topping on these peppermint cold brew coffees, I thought yup. If any day was a whipped cream day, it’d be this one.

TL;DR Whipped cream is magical and you should always add it to everything you possibly can.

And let’s be honest, this whipped cream is the closest we’ve seen to snow so far this winter (knock on wood).

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee |

Don’t you just want to swan dive into this pillowy magical wonderland??!!

I know I considered it when I was taking these photos.

Each martini glass of peppermint cold brew coffee kinda reminds me of its own little North Pole. With a mint leaf Christmas tree and a peppermint stick pole. And, of course, whipped cream snow.

ALWAYS with the whipped cream snow.

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee |

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee |

I was inspired to try peppermint coffee after seeing photo after photo on Instagram of Philz Coffee in San Francisco, they top their coffee with a fresh, cheery sprig of mint. So why not take it a step further and add some peppermint?!

Tis the season, after all.

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee |

Oh man, seriously. I need to stop with these overhead shots because I really just want to dive in headfirst.

Create this peppermint cold brew coffee as a special treat for yourself to celebrate surviving the Christmas season with your credit score and sanity in tact! Or make this for friends and family on Christmas morning to go with a huge, fluffy Belgian waffle topped with whipped cream.

Just a thought, guys.

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee |

Peppermint Cold Brew Coffee
  • Lavazza Dark Roast
  • 2 drops of peppermint extract (You can vary this to your own taste)
  • Whipped cream, mint leaves and peppermint sticks for garnish
  1. Brew the Lavazza Dark Roast, brewed according to these directions.
  2. Add the peppermint extract, stir to combine.
  3. Top with whipped cream, a sprig of fresh mint and peppermint sticks.


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This post was sponsored by Lavazza®.  All opinions and product sentiments are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep the DC Girl party going! 


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