{Pearls & Prose: MWF Seeking BFF}

Continuing my journey to 52(plus) books in 2013, I read {MWF Seeking BFF} this week. At first, I wasn’t sure how much I could relate to the narrator since she is married and well established in her career. Well, as it turns out, I could very much relate.


After moving to Chicago to close the distance gap between her and her husband, Rachel finds a void in her life. She loves her husband but wants someone for Sunday brunch, celebrity gossip gab fests, an in-depth analysis of her life and just a last minute “What are you up to?” text. In other words, a best friend.

MWF Seeking BFF chronicles Rachel Bertsche’s year long quest to find a BFF. In the year, she sets the goal to go on 52 “girl dates” and analyzes the dates, marking their progress or complete failure to launch. I loved the bits of psychology and sociology thrown into the narrative. Rachel also provides additional reading and sources on the very science of friendship and community building.

MWF Seeking BFF definitely led me to ponder my own friendships and how some took off while others didn’t. After college in DC, I did not really think much of making new friends because I thought I would just rely on the ones I already made. However, a good amount of my friends sought employment beyond the District and I did have to get creative about making friends. Interestingly, my friend group is now roughly 3/4 post grad and 1/4 college friends.

The subject of “girl dates” also struck me as fascinating when I realized I’ve been on several (and in fact, I have a girl date today at 1). They can be just as nerve wracking, if not more so, than actual dates.

Have you gone on “girl dates?” Has your friendship circle changed in the last couple of years?

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  1. 1.28.13

    I read this book a little while back and absolutely loved it. The idea of the different types of friends and their place in your life really resonated with me. I would recommend this book to anyone who is in a transitional phase in their life and who values friendships, but understand that all may not last.

  2. 1.28.13
    Farrah said:

    I need to read this! Thank you!