Time Out

Sunday in bed with Bae-gel

The month of December went by in a blur of wrapping paper, cookie exchanges and ugly sweaters. Now, January is on its way out and I feel like post-holiday life is still settling back into place. The last few weeks have been nonstop with work, friends, projects and some really exciting blog posts for you! Last August, I started using a Nikon to create better quality pictures for DC Girl in Pearls and discovered how much I love photography. I took a class in high school but was pretty intimidated by the darkroom and the many rules and lingo. But for New Year’s, I promised myself I would put on my big girl pants skirt and switch from automatic to manual and no longer fear aperture. I am woman, hear me roar. Or, click, in this case.

My photography resolution led to many other resolutions for this blog: better photos, high-quality creative content and a streamlined site. So I might have a little crazy and enrolled in a bunch of web development, photography and coding online courses. Which has made for many nights spent in front of my computer working until late. I’ve always loved learning new things so it really doesn’t feel like work at all but it didn’t really help the whole beauty sleep department zzzzz…..

This weekend, I managed to carve out some time for myself to just unwind and de-plug. Which was no simple feat since I recently downloaded Trivia Crack. They really weren’t joking around about the name!! I curled up in bed with a book and a jalapeño bae-gel from my favorite Bagels + Baguettes on Capitol Hill. Yup, I’m 25 years old and I put myself in a time out. It did wonders for my energy levels and I feel ready to take on the week! But since today’s a day off, I’m staying in my pjs all day long. Bagel non-optional.

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  1. 1.19.15

    I feel you, girl! I love a good adult time-out, and there’s nothing like starting the week refreshed. I hope you enjoyed your day off!