{Healthy & Fit}


This week has been a wake up call for me. Although DC is in the midst of a cold snap, spring will be here soon and with it, sundresses and swimsuits.

It’s natural to gain a few pounds over the winter, with the freezing weather you’re less motivated to walk outside and most warm, comforting foods aren’t always the best for your waistline. However, this year I’m shocked at how I feel. I think sluggish would be the best description and in general, I just do not feel like myself. So it’s time to do something about it. I got the point where I thought, “Enough is enough” and then I went on the Elliptical for 20 minutes. And that’s where you, my lovely readers, come into play.

Starting today, you’ll notice a new page above the header: {Healthy & Fit}. I’ll be posting a daily diary of sorts with what I’ve eaten and any exercise I complete. My goal for this blog series is to hold myself accountable and hopefully find motivation pals to keep me going on the path from sluggish to energized.

As for diet, I believe diet is a four letter word and you would not catch me living on celery alone. I’m a real girl with a real appetite. And there’s no way I can resist a cupcake every now and then : )

That being said, I did an inventory of sorts of what I eat on a daily basis and the truth was frightening. I found that I snack…a lot. And I am more than guilty of the “snack as you watch TV and don’t really notice how much I am actually eating” crime.

I am going to work to eliminate the empty calories and cleanse my system. Think of (ahem) Skinny Bitch in the Kitch meets Naturally Thin meets Trader Joe’s. So get ready for healthy recipe posts on Sunday.

I would really appreciate any advice or tips as I start my series. If you want to join me on my quest, I’d love the company : )

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  1. 3.22.13
    Kelly said:

    I think I might try to join you! I’ve been feeling the same way recently – and even more so after getting off of a tour where I ate out of food courts all over spring break. This sounds like a change that I need to make too!

  2. 3.25.13

    I’m a new reader and was just scrolling through your posts. As a dietitian, when I saw ‘diet is a 4 letter word’ I was SOLD. Totally agree.

  3. 3.25.13
    Niki said:

    I’m with you! I have been eating things I don’t normally eat lately and it’s making me feel blech (technical term). I feel the best when I limit my gluten/refined flour intake and stick to lean proteins, fruits, veggies and a little dairy (and dark chocolate). The plan is to get back to doing that starting this week and to also start integrating some exercise back in.

  4. 3.25.13

    Hi there! Just found your blog through twitter and saw this post. I felt the same way in January and happened to find DanceTrance DC at the same time. It has made all the difference in energy and fitness level for me, and I find that I eat healthier just because I know my body needs good food to keep up on the ‘dance floor’. Check out my blog post about the class or read more at DC FitCrasher or City Life Eats blogs, then come try it ourt for free for a week 🙂

    • 4.7.13

      Sorry for the delayed response but I’d love to try it out!