{Friday’s Favorites}

Happy Friday, everyone! I don’t know about you but this week seemed to drag on forever.  I am deep in the throes of The Job Hunt and the best way to describe it as “the ultimate trial of optimism.” It truly can be a roller coaster of emotions. One minute you are suffering from the pain of rejection only to have an interview request pop up in your inbox. I’m going to be completely honest, The Job Hunt is a pretty big hit to your ego and a rather sobering ordeal. It’s easy to get discouraged and feel defeated. However, it’s up to you how you handle defeat. It’s easy to wallow in self-pity but the trick is to keep your chin up and keep applying. As Annie says, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow!” The Job Hunt is truly a trial of optimism so to keep myself smiling, I’ve made a list of all the things that put a big smile on my face:

1. Family

My family is obviously #1 on this list. There is no way I could survive this ordeal without my parents and their support, from my mother’s sympathetic ear to my dad’s locker room-esque pep talk. I call my parents daily and it’s always refreshing to hear hometown gossip because it makes me feel not quite so far away from home. Plus, it’s an easy way to get your mind off what’s bugging you.

2. Sunglasses

I wore glasses for years and lamented I couldn’t wear sunglasses because then I couldn’t see! It’s been a little over a year since I had LASIK and I am certainly making up for lost time with my sunglasses. I think my Ray Bans make me smile because when I wear them, it means it’s a sunny day out and I am a Vitamin D addict, I cannot get enough of the sun. It’s always a good day when you are wearing sunglasses!

3. Library Card

I was a bookworm at an early age and I’m sure if you read my blog, you know I am loving that I get to read for pleasure now. As much as I feel you cannot put a price on a good book, books can add up even with a Barnes & Noble membership discount. So I’ve started visiting the DC Public Library more this past semester. It helps my budget and supporting libraries is always a fantastic cause. I’ll be visiting the library today to pick up a new read!

4. Cooking

When you’re in school, it’s easy to get caught in the “eating out” trap because you are too exhausted (or let’s be honest, lazy) to make a meal. I don’t know why but I really love grocery shopping. It’s odd, I know. However, I make a weekly menu chart for breakfast, lunch and dinner before I go shopping. It helps me stay organized and also decreases waste. I really hate having to throw out bad produce, etc. I feel as if I’m opening up my wallet and throwing away money. I enjoy trying new recipes: I throw on my Beach Boys Pandora station, put on my apron and go to town.

5. Spontaneity

The story behind this picture: several weeks ago, my roommate & I were en route to Jazz in the Garden and it was an unbearably hot day out. I think it was 108 but it felt so much hotter. We got out of the Metro and I turned to my roommate and said, “I just want to run through a sprinkler right now!!” We walked a few blocks and came across these sprinklers outside of EPA (ironically). Without a word, I took off running and my friend snapped this photo. It’s now become my Facebook/Twitter/Instagram profile pictures because this picture is how I am trying to feel 24/7: happy, carefree and spontaneous. It’s easy at this stage to take yourself too seriously and this photo is a daily reminder to stop and smell the roses (or run like a madwoman through sprinklers as tourists watch!).

What is currently making you smile? If you’re going through The Job Hunt like I am, how are you staying optimistic?

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