Focusing on Joy During the Holiday Chaos

Chatting today about how I’m sprinkling “microdoses” of fun into my days and focusing on joy during the chaos of the holiday season.

The holiday season is a magical time. One of my favorite moments of the year is when I return from Thanksgiving travels to see the city seemingly transformed overnight with holiday cheer. The large-than-life wreaths outside of Union Station, the tree at City Center, restaurants decked out with ornaments and ribbons, the row of pines at Eastern Market waiting to be picked and brighten a home. I love it all.

The holiday season is also a pretty chaotic time. It seems like you return from Thanksgiving, blink, and then find yourself checking in for your flight for Christmas. This year is especially topsy-turvy for me.

I really haven’t talked about it over on my Instagram so you are hearing it here first. My current job, where I’ve worked for the last 5+ years, is concluding with the end of the year. I’m incredibly happy to have found a new job and am excited to start that new opportunity in January 2023! Tying up all loose ends in my job and finishing up my projects have a new sense of expediency because I have an extremely hard deadline.

Plus, I want to enjoy James’ and my first married Christmas and I want to soak up all the fun memories as I say goodbye to a significant chapter of my professional life.

It’s a lot, right?

Here’s how I’m planning to keep my head level amidst the chaos and revel in the most wonderful time of the year.

“Microdoses” of Fun and Choosing Joy

One of the best books I read this year was The Power of Fun by Catherine Price. I’ll likely do a longer post reviewing the book because it was a breath of fresh air and effectively served as a permission slip to allow yourself to have fun for the sake of having fun.

Using Catherine’s strategy of “microdoses” of fun – little actions that you can bring into your everyday that combine connection, playfulness, and flow – I am embracing the childlike sense of wonder during Christmas by:

Lighting My Favorite Cedar-Balsam Candle Every Chance I Get

I mean this literally! Trader Joe’s Cedar-Balsam candle smells like heaven and makes me feel like I have the biggest spruce in our apartment, even when we are tree-less. I’ve started lighting this candle in the mornings when I have my post-walk snuggle time with Riley, when I’ve been able to meditate (even if it’s only 5 minutes), or during my Pilates/yoga flows.

Decorating Our Front Door with A Christmas Wreath

Picking up a wreath is on my to-do list this weekend since it’s been nonstop after we landed in DC from Arizona. I love having a cheerful Christmas wreath on our apartment front door, it makes me smile every day I see it and starts the day off on the right foot.

Staying Organized To Stay Sane

I know this isn’t as magical or romantic as the first two items but staying on top of my daily planner and calendar has already been a lifesaver. Knowing what holiday festivities we have in the week ahead and if I need to do anything to prepare ahead of time, like baking cookies or wrapping a white elephant gift, is key to making sure I don’t feel paralyzed with feelings of being overwhelmed. These feelings would take me out of the joy of the season so, in this instance, the humble planner is a holiday MVP.

Writing Down Three Things that Bring Me Joy Each Day

This practice of jotting down three things that bring me joy and make me smile started off as part of an internal monologue during my mornings. Now I’ve started writing them down and keeping a running list. If you pardon the pun, seeing a long list of happy moments has a “snowball” effect with excellent dopamine results.

Listening To Christmas Movie Scores

If I’m cleaning, music and podcasts are my go-to. During my work day, I’m usually writing and that can make listening to both of those a non-starter. I’ve found listening to movie scores is best for me when I’m really concentrating. Breaking out Christmas movie scores is an excellent way to get in the zone and get into the spirit at the same time.

How are you adding “microdoses” of fun and choosing joy this holiday season?

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