Fall Book List


In middle and high school, I was a pretty serious reader. Getting the summer and semester reading lists were cause for celebration and I’d want to start them all immediately. At the same time.

I had a lot of bookmarks.

And a pile of books next to my bed.

Lately, I haven’t really made time for reading. It seems like I’d get through a few pages before I fell asleep, only to wake up a few hours later with a book on my face. Or lost somewhere in the covers.

I’m trying to get myself into the routine of not looking at screens an hour before bed. Typically, I get my outfit and lunch ready for the next day and work on blog stuff on my laptop before bed. Which usually leads to the book-on-face scenario described above.

I’ll let you know how my little experiment progresses and now for the fun part…which book should I read first?!

You Are A BadassOkay, so I kinda already started this book and really cannot put it down! Read it on your morning commute and you’ll feel empowered the rest of the day! Caffeine helps with that too. Carpe diem, ladies!

Reconstructing AmeliaI haven’t started Reconstructing yet but it’s currently at the top of my pile and several friends who’ve read it already raved about it. Like in a “I couldn’t put it down and finished it in 48 hours” kinda way.

Modern Romance: Dating baffles me. I rarely (read: never) discuss my personal life here but this is a unique moment: modern dating completely confuses me. I picked up Modern Romance to brush up on the facts of today’s dating scene in the nerdiest possible way: Reading up on the sociological analysis of romance. Plus, Aziz’s stand-up on Netflix cracks me up so win-win.

Any other good books to add to my bedside pile?

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  1. 10.28.15

    Modern Romance was a pretty fun/interesting read, but the applicable takeaways are a bit minimal. I am dying to read You Are A Badass! That sounds like exactly what I need for my morning commute haha