Do Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses Actually Work?

We all look at screens all day, every day for our jobs and fun – but this can lead to eye strain. So here’s the big question – do blue light blocking computer glasses actually work?

Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses - DC Girl in Pearls #lifestyleblog #lifestyleblogger #bluelightblockingglasses #computerglasses #eyestrain

Like virtually everyone else, I spent most of my waking hours in front of a screen. Phone, computer, TV. For hours every day. December is always a busy month for me and most others as we tie up loose ends and finish projects before closing for the holidays. And by the time I got on the plane to Arizona, my eyes were in sorry shape.

I got LASIK back in college and since then I haven’t really had to think much about my eyes. I said buh bye to contacts and glasses and never looked back. Cut to last December when my eyes were exhausted from straining in front of Word docs and Outlook emails. It got the point where eyedrops weren’t cutting it. So I started Googling and looking into blue light blocking computer glasses

Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses - DC Girl in Pearls #lifestyleblog #lifestyleblogger #bluelightblockingglasses #computerglasses #eyestrain

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I ordered these $13 computer glasses off Amazon Prime. Trying them on in front of my computer screen, I could definitely see a big difference between the screen with and without the glasses.

Do They Live Up to the Hype?

Yes!! My glasses helped reduce my eyestrain. So much so that I keep a pair at work and one at home. Some people have said that reducing blue light exposure you’ll sleep better. I can’t speak to that since I typically take melatonin most nights to fall asleep. But I could see the connection.

I think for $13, it’s worth getting a pair to reduce the blue light and help protect your eyes.

Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses - DC Girl in Pearls #lifestyleblog #lifestyleblogger #bluelightblockingglasses #computerglasses #eyestrain

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