diy: herb garden

This post has been a long time coming (read: I’ve had it in the works since Memorial Day weekend)! I’ve had a window box all ready for about a year but I never got around to completing that project. Over the long weekend, I decided I would finally cross that off my list. I thought at first about planting flowers but after spying the herbs outside my neighborhood hardware store, I changed my mind.

Side note: I can’t be the only one who loves the smell of a hardware store! C’mon, who wants to admit it?

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1 small shovel

1 watering can (optional but really cute)

1 window box

duct tape

herbs of your choice

potting soil


If your window box has holes along the bottom, duct tape them thoroughly. My particular window box came with a liner so I don’t have to worry about leaks but better be safe.

Fill the box about halfway with soil.

Place the herbs in the box.

Add the rest of the soil to cover the edges of the herbs. Press down firmly with your hands to really pack the soil tightly.

Water the plants.

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A simple home decor lift and it provides me with fresh herbs for my favorite dishes? Perfect!

The fresh basil made its way into my Greek salad lunch today : )

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