Adventures in Ice Skating

Last night, my father took me ice skating for the first time since I was 7 years old. I must say, I was a little nervous to hit the ice because visions of me falling on my behind or my face were swimming in my head. Stepping onto the ice for the first time, I immediately grabbed my father’s hand (he’s a really awesome skater, even turning backwards & forwards zooming around the rink) and was a bit wobbly for the first 20 minutes. I was definitely wary of leaving the comfort of the boards but, with my dad constantly telling me to “Lady up,” I moved towards the middle of the ice and away from the boards. And guess what? I didn’t fall once! The couple of times I got a case of the wobbles, my dad was luckily near by to steady me.

I absolutely love hockey & watch the games (I’m not a Caps fan, though!) as much as I can. But I definitely have a new found appreciation for hockey players. I was laughing with my dad that I can’t imagine fighting on skates, I was having a hard enough time moving forward!

Going ice skating was such a great time and I had a lot of fun with my dad. I’ve been thinking a lot about New Year’s Resolutions and rather than go with the classic “Get organized” and “Get to the gym,” I’m going to go for the gusto. In my life, I have almost always played it safe, staying near the sideboards and focused on getting the internships, perfecting my resume, etc. in anticipation for the future. Now that the “Real World” is looming large on the horizon (I graduate in May!), I need to make a splash.

My New Year’s Resolution is to be adventurous. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go crazy and become Ke$ha but I think I need to take more risks and put myself out there away from the security of the sideboards.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

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