Watermelon Cucumber Vodka Slushie

Watermelon Cucumber Cooler Vodka Slushies | dcgirlinpearls.com

Didn’t think I was going to leave you high and dry for the weekend without a cocktail, did you?

I would never do that! Especially when it’s summer and the livin’s easy. My goal for the weekend is to spend as much time outside as possible and get at least a little bit tan. Growing up, I spent my summers mostly outdoors. Between swimming, softball and going to the beach, I was indoors in the summer mostly just to sleep.

Life was really rough.

Watermelon Cucumber Cooler Vodka Slushies | dcgirlinpearls.com

Slushies + freeze pops were the best way to keep cool. Yes, contrary to belief, it does get pretty hot ‘n humid in Buffalo in the summer. Remember those Flintstone Push Pops? One of my earliest memories was going with my dad to get Flintstone Push Pops at the corner store.

Do they even sell those anymore?! I hope so.

Watermelon Cucumber Cooler Vodka Slushies | dcgirlinpearls.com

Let’s take a stroll down Memory Lane and make slushies this week! But since we’re adult(ish)s, how about we add vodka? Yes or yes?

I was never good at science but I do know enough science to know alcohol doesn’t full freeze. So here’s an equation: juice + your choice of alcohol + container + freezer = a boozy slushie.

For this watermelon cucumber cooler vodka slushie, I used 2 qts of delicious watermelon cucumber juice from (of course) Trader Joe’s and mixed in 2 cups of vodka. Let sit in a container overnight in the freezer and like magic, a big-batch summer cocktail!

Oh, and if you’re really into adult slushies and need to bring something to a Father’s Day BBQ, Arnold Palmer Bourbon Slushies are always a crowd-pleaser. True story.

So if you need to find me this weekend, I’ll be outside with a slushie, a good book and maybe some spicy corn + feta salad. Have a fun weekend!

Watermelon Cucumber Cooler Vodka Slushies | dcgirlinpearls.com

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  1. 6.19.15

    I think I’m going to make this for my Father’s Day lunch!

    • 6.20.15

      Do it! It takes about 6 hours to freeze, use a spoon or ice cream scoop to scrape the slushie. Have a great Father’s Day lunch!

  2. 6.20.15

    Holy yum! This sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  3. 6.22.15
    Elle Collins said:

    Wow I need to try this!