{Thirsty Thursday: Watermelon Mojito Pops}

First of all, I don’t know why my scheduled post didn’t go live yesterday but expect to see it next Tuesday! Glitches happen and life goes on.

Speaking of life, my own life seems to be going at least 100 MPH lately. The road to gainful employment is a tough one full of cover letters, applications, networking and figuring out how to move the needle and get from Point A to Point B and beyond.

I might need to take a break from job applications to make these frozen treats. I love watermelon and love mojitos so these sound like the greatest thing since sliced bread. The prep work is much intensive than the usual drink recipes but I think for watermelon mojitos, I’ll make an exception 🙂


3/4 cup sugar

2 lbs. triangular seedless watermelon slices, rinds removed

1 cup white rum

1/3 cup fresh lime juice

1/2 tsp mint extract


In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 3/4 cup of water.

Bring to a boil and constantly whisk until the sugar is dissolved.

 Remove from heat and allow to cool completely.

Slice the watermelon to create triangles.

Place the slices into a 9×13 dish in one layer.

In a mixing bowl, whisk together the simple syrup, rum, lime juice, and mint extract.

Pour the mojito mixture over the top of the watermelon slices.

Let the fruit soak in the liquid at room temperature for 20 minutes.

Stick a wooden popsicle stick into the base of each one

Place the watermelon pops onto a foil-lined baking sheet. Freeze for at least 1 hour.

Image c/o Pinterest

Whew that was a lot of steps but I think the end result should be worth it!

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