{Roasted Eggplant Polenta}

Breaking my Christmas comfort food streak was no picnic, so to speak. Temptation lurked in every corner, in my pantry and refrigerator. However, a girl has to know when to put down the junk food. And run to Trader Joe’s.

I wanted to oven roast an eggplant and after some brainstorm and a peek inside my pantry, I decided to try out an eggplant polenta dish. It was an easy dish to make and absolutely scrumptious. 



Not Pictured: Pesto and Marinara Sauce


Cut the eggplant lengthwise and them into quarters. I had an extra tomato handy so I added it to the mix.

In a mixing bowl, sprinkle a large circle of olive oil and spices such as basil, a pinch of salt and pepper and other spices you enjoy. I personally throw in a good amount of red pepper flakes. Give a good toss to ensure even coating.

Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 300 degrees for 35-40 minutes.


When you have about 10 minutes left for the eggplant, it’s time for the polenta!

Take the roll and slice the polenta into discs. Be sure to cut them a bit thicker, otherwise they will fall apart in the skillet. Lesson learned in the first batch.

Heat up olive oil in the skillet and put the polenta in the skillet for 4 minutes on each side on medium-low heat. Note: During this part, take the eggplant out of the oven.

When the polenta is ready, it will turn golden brown (pictured on the left) compared to its regular pale color.


On each slice, place a small amount of pesto. Then, sprinkle the cheese and top with a scoop of the roasted eggplant.

On a baking sheet, place the polenta into the oven on 300 for about 5 minutes or until the cheese melts.


I served the dish with a spoonful of marinara sauce as a base. It was delicious and filling without be too filling. Eggplant polenta would be a wonderful appetizer at your next party or as a meal for two. Enjoy!!

Have you used polenta in a dish? Please share!

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  1. 1.6.13
    jaf said:

    looks delicious, where do you get your recipes??

    • 1.6.13

      Most of my recipes I create on my own, it’s trial and error!

  2. 1.6.13
    Lesley said:

    OMG that looks so good. Honestly, I never cook much with polenta and this post has definitely inspired me to start!

    Happy New Year!