{Monogram Monday: Charm}

Happy Monday, everyone!! I was a very bad blogger this weekend and opted to sleep instead of posting. The last couple of weeks have been nonstop and exhaustion finally caught up with me. On Saturday, I fell asleep at 7:30pm, woke up around 11pm, cleaned my kitchen and then went back to sleep until around 9am. Yup, that happened.

But, now I am energized and back to all my posts! I am really excited about several posts coming up in the next weeks. Hint: if you’re interning in DC this summer or are planning to do so in the future, stay tuned : )

Meanwhile…I go through a daily routine en route to work and later to my apartment where I momentarily panic that I lost my keys. I have tried really hard to get into the habit of putting my keys right into my Vera wristlet the minute I lock the door. But sometimes (read: a decent amount) I am rushing to catch my bus and just toss it into my tote and inevitably it ends up in the dark recesses.

Key Charm

Maybe this neon {charm from Swell Caroline} will keep me from “losing my keys” and prevent the strangers on my bus from thinking I’ve lost my marbles as I frantically throw items out of my bag to retrieve my keys. Not that this has ever happened before. Daily. Nope.

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  1. 4.8.13

    Oh these are so cute! Adding to my shopping list!