I had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday and kicking off the holiday season this weekend. My friends and I have a tradition of going to Zoo Lights, it never fails to catapult me into full-on holiday mode. That and Beach Boys Christmas on repeat. My poor neighbors…oops!
I was brainstorming holiday content to share with you all and turned to my archives for holiday recipes and cocktail ideas. After 5 years of blogging, I’ll be honest that I don’t always remember every.single.post. So I thought I’d share some oldies but goodies: Holiday recipes and cocktails to get you into the spirit (Just assume every pun is intended) and be merry! Be sure to bookmark this page for later ; )
And don’t forget to check out what I buy at Trader Joe’s for the holidays!
Perfect Peanut Butter Blossoms: Okay it’s bragging time. Peanut butter blossoms are the best cookies I make. Between my parents and Tommy and my extended family, I probably make over 200 of these cookies every holiday season and they’re always a big hit. They’re my #1. Okay, </bragging time>
Slow Cooker Eggnog French Toast
Peanut Butter Pretzel Kettle Corn
Let’s be honest, the real stars of the holiday season are the cocktails.
Sparkling Cranberry Rosé Sangria
Love roundups of holiday dishes! I feel that if you add a cranberry into a cocktail it instantly makes it more festive 🙂 So by sipping on one you are just getting into the Christmas spirit!