Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake

Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake |

It’s not officially Christmas until I have a glass (or two) of eggnog. Eggnog’s one of those things that people either love or hate. I happen to fall in the “love” box and enjoy sipping an eggnog to celebrate the season. It’s pretty rich though so I do my best to limit myself to two glasses maximum. But for this eggnog bourbon milkshake, I’m going to have to make an exception. It’s Christmas, after all…

A few weeks ago, I was making my weekend ritual visit to Trader Joe’s (The Eastern Market location cannot come soon enough!) and when I saw their Christmas products on the shelf, I made a beeline for the frozen section. Trader Joe’s seasonal ice creams are where it’s at but my very favorite is their eggnog ice cream. Alas, there was no eggnog ice cream in sight. So I asked an employee because yes, I’m that girl and yes, procuring eggnog ice cream is a task that I take very seriously. And they informed me of my beloved eggnog ice cream’s fate: Discontinued. WHY?! But I was determined to not let this minor setback dampen my Christmas spirit so I made a list, checked it twice, and came up with eggnog bourbon milkshakes.

*Cue Joy to the World*

The best part is that you really only need 3 ingredients: Vanilla ice cream, eggnog and bourbon. Well, 4 ingredients if you want whipped cream. And really, who doesn’t want whipped cream? Okay, 4 ingredients it is.

Whip these up and I promise even the eggnog naysayers will be asking for seconds!

Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake | Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake | Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake | Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake | Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake |

Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake
Recipe type: Drink
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
  • 1½ cups vanilla ice cream
  • ½ cup eggnog
  • 2 oz Bourbon
  • Whipped cream
  • Cinnamon for garnish
  1. In a blender, add the ice cream, eggnog and bourbon. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Pour into a rocks glass and top with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon.


Eggnog Bourbon Milkshake |

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  1. 12.22.16
    cDs said:

    OK I’m not a huge nog fan but this looks awesome and I may have to give it another try
    x0x0 Caroline