Habanero Popcorn for the Oscars

Habanero Popcorn | dcgirlinpearls.com

Hey guys! I know I don’t usually post on Sundays but I had some weird blog glitches and my post for Friday just wouldn’t go live. Thankfully, WP is back and working just in time to talk about my new favorite flavor combo: grapefruit and habanero.

Hear me out on this one, guys.

A couple of weeks ago, I went out for cocktails with friends and decided to order a Paloma, which is made with grapefruit juice and tequila. I’ve had them before and normally they’re pretty tart thanks to the grapefruit juice. But our waitress warned me that their Palomas are more on the spicy side. She had my full and undivided attention. I ordered one. And then two more. Because they were THAT delicious.

Which got me thinking: What other grapefruit-habanero combinations could I come up with?!

It seemed to be fate because IZZE sent me a pack of their sparkling grapefruit, which is one of my favorite flavors of theirs, and the habanero salt in my pantry caught my eye. And the Oscars are on Sunday today…

Habanero Popcorn | dcgirlinpearls.com

Habanero Popcorn + Grapefruit IZZE = 👯

And if you and your friends are hardcore Oscars viewers and just looking to extend Sunday Funday, you could always add a splash of tequila into your grapefruit IZZE for an instant Paloma. I’m just saying…

Habanero Popcorn | dcgirlinpearls.com

If you’re in DC, you can pick up this habanero salt from Salt + Sundry but if you aren’t nearby, here’s a guide to flavor salt.

I simply melted 2 tablespoons of butter and whisked in 1 tablespoon of habanero salt and drizzled it over the popcorn. If you want to add extra habanero salt on top to get more zip, go for it!

I don’t have a microwave in my apartment because well, there’s really just not enough space in my teeny tiny kitchen so I make my popcorn the ol-fashioned way over the stovetop and actually, I prefer popcorn this way for a few reasons. 1. You can control how much butter is on it 2. It makes a HUGE batch of popcorn and let’s be real, one microwave bag of popcorn is never enough and 3. You get to play around with fun flavor combinations!

Here’re a few of my favorites:

  1. Sea salt + a squeeze of lime
  2. Melted cookie butter
  3. Cajun seasoning
  4. Chocolate covered pretzels
  5. Frank’s Red Hot (of course)

Habanero Popcorn | dcgirlinpearls.com

What are your plans for the Oscars? Are you a movie buff who has strong opinions about the nominees/winners? Or do you watch mostly for the dresses? Full disclosure: I watch for the snacks and the Twitterfeed 😳

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IZZE Sparkling Juices

This post was sponsored by IZZE®.  All opinions and product sentiments are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep the DC Girl in Pearls party going!


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