
Frosé (Frozen Rosé)|

Being forced to choose between a fruity frozen drink and a cool glass of rosé? That’s just wrong. I’ve seen frosé (AKA frozen rosé) pop up on Instagram and decided to try my hand at making it myself. When the heat index is 105 degrees like it was last weekend and the concern that you’ll spontaneously combust the moment you leave your apartment is very real, you decide to DIY some frosé. Because why not?

Most of the recipes I found online for frosé involved strawberries and a fair amount of sugar. I decided to lighten it up by swapping out the strawberries for watermelon and nixed the sugar altogether. Trust me, you won’t miss the sugar at all, this frosé is sweet enough on its own!

All you need to whip up a frosé is an ice cube tray, a bottle of rosé, watermelon and a blender. That’s all that’s between you and delicious frozen cocktail. Life’s pretty grand, isn’t it?

So in case you need some weekend plans, I’ve got you covered ; )

Frosé (Frozen Rosé)| Frosé (Frozen Rosé)| Frosé (Frozen Rosé)|

Recipe type: Cocktail
Prep time: 
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Serves: 4 cocktails
Rosé ice cubes
  • 6 cups, cubed watermelon
  1. Pour rosé into ice cube tray and let freeze for 8 hours or overnight.
  2. In a blender, add the rosé ice cubes and cubed watermelon and puree until smooth. Strain through a mesh sieve to remove any seeds and serve immediately.
  3. Garnish with a slice of watermelon.


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  1. 8.18.16

    Mmm this looks amazing, and much simpler than other recipes I’ve seen. Love!!

  2. 8.19.16

    Love that this doesn’t have all the added sugar! I’m going to have to give this a go 🙂