FEED Supper: Share A Meal

To commemorate World Food Day, which is tomorrow, FEED Projects is organizing suppers for people to come together and truly share a meal.

FEED Supper - DC Girl in Pearls

Founded by Lauren Bush Lauren, FEED raises awareness and funds for school feeding programs. You may recognize the iconic FEED bag but did you know the sale of one bag helps feed one child for an entire year? I grew up very fortunate and never had to worry about when my next meal would be. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were a part of my daily routine growing up. But sadly that’s not the case for every child.

My mother, until her retirement in June, taught learning disabled and emotionally disturbed students in Buffalo. Many of my mother’s students were eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch at the school, and several confided to her those were their only meals of the day. It breaks your heart to hear a 14-year-old shrug and casually tell you their kitchen is empty, because to them that is their reality. But you can help make a difference in their lives.

Just $1 can provide a child with TEN MEALS. Think about it. Ten nutritious meals a child can enjoy and they don’t have to go to bed with an empty, growling stomach.

In today’s hustle and bustle world, it’s easy to take sit-down meals for granted. I typically eat breakfast and lunch at my desk and dinner is usually me sitting on the couch, sitting at the dining table means I’m watching Netflix. Actually sitting down and enjoying a meal is a rarity in today’s crazy, nonstop world. So I’m asking you to do two things.

1. Please donate to FEED. Every little bit helps to provide a child with the food and nutrition they need. Skip Starbucks or your afternoon snack-run to the local convenience store. It’s good karma and there is no greater feeling than helping a child in need.

2. Take time out of your schedule either today or tomorrow to share a meal with a friend. If they live out-of-town, FaceTime or Skype. Snapchat your meal. Think about FEED’s mission to encourage people to truly share a meal and do it. Tweet @FEEDProjects and tag #FEEDSupper with photos of your meal.

I’ll be sharing my meal and a cocktail with you on Thursday. Thank you to all those participating and donating! A child in need thanks you, too.

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