Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches

Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough | dcgirlinpearls.com

Oh boy. I really did it this time.

The sprinkles in the pantry were just BEGGING to be baked into a cake, brownies, cookies. Sprinkling them on a scoop (okay, 3 scoops) of ice cream just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

It all started so innocent. I was just going to bake funfetti cookies and call it a day.

Sometimes, I just can’t help myself. Blame it on the heat but a lightbulb went on in my brain. What’s better than funfetti cookies?

Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough | dcgirlinpearls.com

Funfetti cookie dough.

Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough.

Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches!!!


When I was little and would help my mom bake, standing on a chair to reach the cabinet, my mom instilled in me that cake batter + cookie dough were unsafe to eat because of raw egg. In my 5 year old brain, I interpreted this as “Eat cookie dough or cake batter and immediately get sick.” Well, that wasn’t going to happen to me so I remained cake batter + cookie dough-free until about 6 years later when I rebelled and snuck a taste of yellow cake batter.

There are just some things you can’t un-taste and OMG yellow cake batter tasted incredible.

And edible funfetti cookie dough tastes like heaven.

Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough | dcgirlinpearls.com

Add a scoop of ice cream to frozen edible cookie dough and oh man, you’re all set.

It’s a long weekend. (Edible) dough it up!

Ingredients (Makes About 18 Cookies)

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons clear imitation vanilla extract (real vanilla extract may be substituted)
1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup sprinkles


Combine the butter, sugar, extracts, and beat on medium-high speed until light and fluffy.

Mix in flour and milk. Add the milk 1 tablespoon at a time until the dough reaches its desired consistency.

Fold in sprinkles with a spatula.

Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.


Edible Funfetti Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches | dcgirlinpearls.com

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  1. 5.20.15
    Heather said:

    Oh.my.god. Yup, I’m going to have to make these this weekend.

  2. 5.20.15

    These sound so addicting. Thanks for sharing my soon to be newest obsession!!

  3. 5.21.15

    They look so yummy! My son would love to make them with me. Thanks for sharing!