Can You Wear White Jeans All Year?

As we get closer and closer to Memorial Day Weekend, asking the most controversial question – can you wear white jeans all year?

Talbots White Jeans -

Talbots White Jeans // J.Crew Linen Shirt // Rattan Handbag // Jacks

Growing up, I remember it being a huge deal when Memorial Day Weekend rolled around. MDW signaled the official start of summer wardrobe season. Out came the bins with shorts, sundresses, and, of course, white jeans. Hailing from Buffalo, there was a very clear line between our winter and summer clothes. Winter meant layers on layers on layers and topping it off with the largest parka known to mankind. If you could move your arms freely, you weren’t wearing enough layers.

Needless to say, there was very little overlap between these two wardrobes and swapping out closets was an all-day affair. Shorts in the winter were a non-starter for me (though every blizzard newscast would inevitably show a person proudly wearing shorts) and the logic for packing up shorts as we headed into winter was an easy leap to make, commonsense-wise.

But I recall for any of our white items, it went beyond that logic and delved more into “White jeans after Labor Day are a no-go, full-stop.” I stuck to that rule for years and years and years until one day it occurred me – can you wear white jeans all year?

White Jeans All Year -

I know this is a controversial topic and people feel strongly about it. Many are adamantly in favor of keeping white jeans strictly between Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekend. And just as many believe you can indeed wear white jeans 365 days a year.

I’m in the latter camp.

My reasoning: an old-fashioned rule that feels arbitrary shouldn’t stop me from wearing a piece of clothing that I love and feel comfortable in.

Where do you fall on this? White jeans all year long or white jeans only during summer months?


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