Bulletproof Chai

Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com

I talked a little bit the other day about how I’m eating keto these days. It’s part of my journey to pull myself out of a rut and get my eating habits and health back on track. When I first started doing research on the keto diet, I kept finding article after article about bulletproof coffee. How to make it, its benefits, etc. But I’m not a coffee drinker. So I played around to create a bulletproof chai and it’s become a part of my morning routine. It’s delicious, creamy, incredibly easy to prepare and is much easier on your wallet than ordering a chai at Starbucks.

So what the heck does bulletproof mean?

Think of bulletproof as a synonym for butter. Also known as fatty coffee (I know, it sounds kinda strange but hear me out) or keto coffee. Of course we’re making the tea version here! Boiled down, bulletproof chai is a combination of a fatty oil (like coconut oil, heavy cream, ghee, butter, or MCT oil) and tea. For my recipe, I use unsalted butter.

What’s the point of drinking bulletproof chai?

I drink bulletproof chai every morning because the fatty oil helps me stay full longer and gives me a burst of energy to start the day. I recently began adding collagen peptides to my bulletproof chai after hearing people rave about the benefits of collagen like stronger and healthier nails and hair. I mean, who doesn’t want in on that?!

How do I make bulletproof chai?

I’m a fan of Trader Joe’s spiced chai. It’s about $2.50 for 20 tea bags so already we’re saving money since a venti chai will typically set you back $4-5. I prepare the tea the way you normally would and then I pour the tea into my batter bowl (just like this one). Add 1 tbsp of butter per tea bag, 2 scoops of collagen peptides (Trader Joe’s brand is really affordable at $10, you can also find collagen on Amazon) and 4-5 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup. Using my immersion blender (aka my #1 most used kitchen tool), blend the tea for at least a minute to thoroughly blend. Because you’re adding a fat to tea, it takes a bit to really combine. Nobody wants to drink tea with little bits of butter floating around – yuck!

Can I make it ahead of time?

Sure, you can make a double batch of bulletproof chai on Sunday to prep for Monday and Tuesday. The key is to blend the butter (or fatty oil of your choosing) thoroughly with the tea. Sometimes, I’ll make more tea than I thought I did (because #mornings) so I’ll pour it into a Tervis tumbler, pop a lid on it and stick it in my fridge for next time. But don’t leave bulletproof tea on the counter for too long.

While you can make it ahead of time, I usually make my bulletproof chai in the morning as I’m getting ready to start my day.

If you’re still reading…

Are you interested in me sharing more of what I’ve been eating on keto? I am not trying to push a diet on you guys at all. Keto is how I’m eating lately so it’s much less tempting for me to make keto-friendly dishes.

Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com

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Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com


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Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com


Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com

Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com Bulletproof Chai | @dcgirlinpearls.com

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