

how to decorate your home for spring

via When it comes to decorating, my style is to stick with neutrals for the furniture and have the colorful accents do the talking. Colorful pieces give that pop and pizzazz and let your personality shine, especially when set against…

home sweet home

With my move, I’ve been pretty off the grid this week. It hit me this morning that I barely tweeted and until yesterday morning, didn’t Instagram anything. Oh, the humanity! Regular programming on the blog will start up again on…

organization details

I’ve been trying to get a jump on a longtime New Year’s resolution: get organized. Kitchen, bathroom, closet, office, the “To Organize” list seems never ending and daunting. Thankfully, The Container Store has a ton of helpful tips on its…

dc gallery wall

After much deliberation and countless Google searches, I’ve made an executive decision to build my gallery wall around Washington, DC. This will come as a shock to no one but I felt it needed to be said. In my dining…

Hi, I’m Lauren Anne and I’m so happy you’re here! Welcome to my blog, where I share classic style, tasty recipes, fun cocktails, snippets of my everyday life with my husband, James, and our sweet hound, Riley, and more.

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