

National Guacamole Day + Margaritas

Yup, you read that title right. We’re getting boozy on a Tuesday here at DC Girl! Why the special occasion? Because for those of us who pray at the altar of avocado, today is a High Holy Day. National Guacamole Day.…

Thirsty Thursday: Cocktail Emoji

I use Emojis all the time. It’s gotten to the point where I’m just as familiar with a QWERTY keyboard as I am with an Emoji one. The donut, the balloon, the okay sign, zzZZ, fist bump and the smiley face…

Thirsty Thursday: Shark Week Edition

Dunn uh…Dunn uh….DUNNN DUNNN DUNNN!! It’s (almost) Shark Week, folks! And if I have to guess that you and your friends are anything like mine, your Facebook feeds and day planners are filling up to the brim with watch parties.…

DIY washi tape drink stirrers

Ever have one of those days where you are just jones-ing for a creative project? But you have to work late, you didn’t pack your lunch for tomorrow, you don’t even want to think about cleaning up the glitter after… Crafts…

Hi, I’m Lauren Anne and I’m so happy you’re here! Welcome to my blog, where I share classic style, tasty recipes, fun cocktails, snippets of my everyday life with my husband, James, and our sweet hound, Riley, and more.

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