{Pearls & Prose: Lunch in Paris}

I am back in the swing of reading one book each week! It feels wonderful: no matter how exhausted I am when I climb into bed, I will read at least 10 pages before I drift off to sleep.

I spied {Lunch in Paris} a couple of weeks ago when I ducked into one of my favorite DC bookshops, Kramerbooks. I immediately put myself on the DC Library waiting list for it and was thrilled when I picked it up. After reading {My Berlin Kitchen}, I was expecting a similar vein of story telling but instead, Lunch in Paris is more of a light hearted chick lit piece. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 


Lunch in Paris follows artsy, wanna be-free spirited Elizabeth and her fateful lunch with Gwendal, a handsome Frenchman. Her lunch sparks a passionate love affair and her eventual lifestyle as an expat in Paris. Through Lunch in Paris, Elizabeth explores the cultural differences between her perceptions and those of her (spoiler alert) boyfriend turned husband Gwendal.

She develops a passion for Paris’ open air markets and immerses herself into French culture and most especially, its famous cuisine. Through her adventures in the kitchen to mastering the art of properly ordering at the local butcher shop, you find yourself cheering for Elizabeth as she tries to blend her distinctly American attitudes and perceptions into the more laissez-faire French mentality. If you traveled to France or just wish you could, you will enjoy this light hearted read, it was a wonderful book for me to read on my morning and evening commutes.

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  1. 4.27.13
    Anna H. said:

    Just picked this up from the library this week! Now I’m super excited to start it!

    • 4.28.13

      It was a good beach/pool side read! If you’re more of a foodie/wannabe chef, I’d recommend “My Berlin Kitchen.”

  2. 4.29.13
    Ro said:

    Sounds like a perfect book for you Lauren. Love, food, travel all in one! Have fun.

  3. 9.2.14
    Guest said:

    This is definately going on my reading list!