{Pearls & Prose: Blink}

In my quest to read more, I decided to alternate between serious books and lighthearted reads. After {Mating Rituals of the North American WASP}, it was time to pick a serious book. By complete happenstance, a guy in my office mentioned The Tipping Point and I told him how I had been meaning to read those books for awhile now. He pulled Blink out of his bag and said that although Blink is not the first book in the series, it’s still a great read and one of his favorites. I decided to give it a whirl.

{Blink by Malcolm Gladwell} dissects how people make decisions in the literal blink of an eye. Through analyses of certain professions and situations, Gladwell carefully breaks down how the mind operates at lightning speed. I’m not a science person by any stretch of the imagination but I thoroughly enjoy psychology and I really enjoyed this book.

My father is a professional fireman and one situation described the thought process of a fire chief. After reading the passage, I called my dad and asked him the same question Gladwell posed to the fire chief. My father’s answer was practically verbatim to the fire chief’s in the book!

Blink was a pretty quick read mostly because I could not put it down. In fact, I broke my rule of “serious book, lighthearted read” to immediately afterward pick up Outliers by Mr. Gladwell!

Have you read Blink or other books in The Tipping Point series? Are you also fascinated by psychology? 

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  1. 11.23.12
    Nicole (madras&pearls) said:

    I’ve been meaning to read these too- thanks for the reminder & thoughts on Blink!