Sharing my one-minute morning ritual to become more mindful – this practice has really helped make me slow down + not feel quite so hectic so early in the day.

The fourth quarter of 2021 was a rough one for me. I spoke about my recent health issues over on this post. My 2022 kicked off with a lot of doctors’ appointments, tests, even a heart monitor. We’re still working through scans + follow-ups to get to the bottom of what’s going on with me. I’m extremely grateful that lot of the scary stuff has been ruled out.
The whole experience has certainly been jarring, especially since I consider myself a healthy person. I’ve never had a major health issue until this, I exercise regularly, I eat generally pretty healthfully. But now I’ve been forced to pump the brakes + I took a good, hard look at my regular habits + determine if, in the big picture, they’re helping or hurting.
Obviously, habits are really tough to break + I wasn’t about to overhaul my entire life. I focused on looking at my daily rituals + things I do without even thinking + see where I could be gentler + kinder on myself. Small changes.
My morning habits stood out like a sore thumb. As soon as my alarm goes off + my feet hit the floor, I am usually off + running. Scrolling through Twitter for news with one hand while brushing my teeth with the other, checking to see what the major headlines for the day are going to be as I curl my hair, etc. I work in communications so being attached to the news + my phone comes with the territory. I get dressed, grab my packed lunch out of the fridge, + out the door I go.
But when I was thinking through my morning, I realized that I never stopped moving. My mornings were a whirlwind. Earlier this month, I started including this one-minute morning ritual + it has made a huge difference. I referenced it briefly in this post on the little acts I’ve been doing to take care of myself.

Before I head out the door each morning, I force myself to stop, take a few deep breaths (in through the nose, out through the mouth), + pick a prompt from these Mindfulness Cards. Each card offers a simple practice or food for thought. Whether it’s how you interact with digital media (ha aka my entire life) or a mantra to return to throughout the day, these cards offer action and wisdom. I know it sounds corny but I feel like I pick the card from the pile that I needed to hear that day.

I read the card, sometimes out loud. Many times, I’ll put it in my work bag to reflect on throughout the day and as a physical reminder. My Mindfulness Cards are a small change that’s made a big impact on how I start my day. If you are looking to be more mindful or if your mornings could use a pause button, I love how these cards have turned my mornings from chaotic to calm. Okay, calmer. Still a work in progress!