Every September, I make a point to go to the National Book Festival because 1.) It’s an excuse to go to the Mall 2.) I’m a huge bookworm & literary nerd and 3.) It was started by Laura Bush, whom I have a girl crush on.
Unfortunately due to weather and previous commitments, I could only attend the festival for an hour but I had a great time nonetheless! Once I got to the Mall with my best friend, I snapped into book nerd mode overdrive. I practically ran to an information booth to snag 2 copies of the poster: 1 for me and 1 for my mother, who teaches high school.

Then, I spied something that made my inner 7 year old leap with excitement: the Magic School Bus! Oh yes, people, it was an actual bus decked out for the festival! I used to watch that show religiously after school and was way more excited than a senior in college should be about the sight of a yellow school bus. Remember when I said I was a book nerd? Yup, I was dead serious.
Unfortunately, the line was super long & I was on a tight deadline so I settled for taking a picture alongside the bus:
I also really wanted to get a peek at C-SPAN’s Campaign 2012 Bus but the clock was ticking & I had to leave. But not before, of course, taking a picture with a Capitol background. I am a D.C. girl, after all!
And speaking of stereotypical D.C. photos, here’s a picture my roomie/best friend finally uploaded! We went to a Nats game over Memorial Day Weekend and had a lot of fun: