Sharing my favorite fabric shaver to save winter wools from the dreaded pilling.

You know those tasks that are oddly satisfying? Like the pore strips on your nose or power washing. After you’ve completed this task, you feel like you can exuberantly cross something off your to do list + feel like you’ve accomplished something. Maybe it’s gratifying because you can see immediate results. Who doesn’t love that?
For me, that task is using my favorite fabric shaver to revive my winter wools. Sweaters, pencil skirts, pea coats, the Remington fabric shaver has breathed new life into all of these for me. We all know, through no fault of our own, just daily wear + tear, our wool items get those dreaded pilling marks. It’s not pretty, it kind of drives me a little crazy, but it happens. I ordered the Remington Fuzz-Away Fabric Shaver a couple of years ago to help save some of my favorite sweaters.
With 4.5 stars on Amazon + a reasonable $25 price tag, The Fuzz-Away Fabric Shaver seemed like a low-risk purchase to see if it would do the trick.
I immediately liked that it’s handheld + does not take up precious space in my small hall closet. Another pro: it’s very safe + will not cut or slice your hand. Then I got down to business to see how effective the fabric shaver is. It works wonders!
Simply lay out your apparel item on a flat surface like your kitchen table, turn it on, + gently brush against the pilling. You’ll see the wool strands collect + every so often, you clear that out like you would a vacuum. It never pulls or weakens the fabric, merely shaves down the pilled fabric to leave your item looking fresh + good as new!
2+ years later, my fabric shaver is still a lifesaver. I’ve used it on my wool pencil skirts for the office, my favorite camel coat, + my cozy winter sweaters. Using this fabric shaver is also so much more cost-effective than re-purchasing new apparel when the pilling becomes too much.