Dudley Stephens Brighton Boatneck in Vello (Runs TTS, I’m wearing a medium and it fits like a glove!) // Talbots White Jean Leggings (Also runs TTS, I’m wearing a size 8 and love how comfy they are) // Leopard Loafers (From Land’s End several years ago, here’s a similar pair for $54!)
Hi guys! It seems a little silly doing a month in review post when I’ve been pretty much radio silent on the blog since before the holidays. But I’ve had a lot going on in my life in the last month and I’m finally feeling like I’ve got a handle on everything.
All December long I kept hearing about ending/starting the decade strong and I was all in. I was getting so so close to my 500th Pure Barre class (I’ll hit it later this week!), I had a pile of books ready to bring with me for Christmas in Arizona, plans for facials and mani/pedis. And then I got knocked down for the count and spent my entire vacation in bed with the flu. And I got a flu shot!!
Anyway, I was still on the mend until earlier this month and it felt like forever until I got my energy back. I had serious cabin fever, you guys.
The upside to being stuck in bed was I got off to a running start with my 2020 reading goal. I read Red, White + Royal Blue in about a day and a half, would definitely recommend if you’re searching for a lighter read, are traveling, or going to be sitting by a pool.
I also made significant progress in Condoleezza Rice’s 750 page (but who’s counting?) memoir, No Higher Honor. Obviously, the subject matter is much more intense and you do really have to focus when you’re reading it as she jumps around in each chapter from country to country and diplomatic relations. But it is absolutely fascinating to get to be a fly-on-the-wall as she recounts some of her biggest challenges serving our country.
The third book I read this month was an audiobook, Next Year in Havana. This is a repeat read for me, I cannot recommend this book enough!! It’s part historical fiction, part romance and dual narrative. Elisa is a young debutante living in Havana in the waning days of Batista’s regime but she doesn’t pay much attention to the coming revolution in Cuba until she meets, and falls in love with, a revolutionary. Decades later, Marisol, Elisa’s granddaughter, returns to Cuba to spread her beloved grandmother’s ashes. As she learns more about her grandmother’s life in Cuba before exile, Marisol discovers her grandma’s shocking secrets. If you haven’t read this book yet, add it to your list now!
If you follow me on Instagram (@dcgirlinpearls), you may know that every Monday evening I share an easy, healthy recipe for dinner. #CookWithLauren is everything from salmon with roasted herb cauliflower mash to simple turkey bolognese. Tonight I’m making veggie-loaded lo mein with miso salmon! Tune in, it’ll be yummy 😊
Back to Regularly Blogging
One of the pros of being stuck in bed was having all the time to think about how I wanted my 2020 to look. I had my barre goals, health + wellness goals, but my biggest was getting back to blogging. I really missed sharing my every day with you guys and I’m excited to get back to it!