When it comes to traveling, I prefer packing only a carry-on if I can help it. Here are all the reasons I swear by the Vera Bradley Large Travel Duffel Bag.

I have been a HUGE fan of the Vera Bradley Large Travel Duffel Bag since probably high school. Several Vera Bradley Duffel Bags were doorbuster prizes at my high school senior prom (file that under signs you went to an all-girls school) and I remember crossing my fingers my ticket number would be picked. Alas, no but I did add a duffel bag to my Vera Bradley collection shortly after that.
It’s been my #1 most used piece of luggage since then. I’m traveling to Arizona tomorrow and you bet my duffel is all packed and ready to go! I am strongly Team Carryon Only although I will begrudgingly accept my fate if I need to check a bag. One little caveat: because of its fabric material, I would not recommend using the duffel as a checked bag in case it gets wet. This duffel is meant to be a carryon and shines in that category. Here’s why:
This is the closest you will get to having Mary Poppins bag.
First things first – it’s incredible how much this duffel holds. Each time I pack, I am amazed at how much I can fit into it! I consider myself closer to the over-packer side on the “minimalist traveler to over-packer” spectrum. Having options is nice! Its fabric material means it has extra stretch to accommodate any extra items you pick up on your trip without playing the dreaded “Will this zip?” game.
It’s washable.
I’m not a germaphobe but I think we can all agree that traveling isn’t the most hygienic activity with all the people and the closed spaces. Being able to throw this bag into the washer after a trip is a BIG bonus. I like to wash mine on cold and then air dry.
This bag has staying power.
My duffel has lasted me at least 10 years. It’s made of material that is both quality and durable. It has a lot of mileage on it (both literally and figuratively) but still looks like it did when I first got it, I think in part because it’s washable. Make sure you love the pattern you pick because that will be your pattern for a decade plus!