{Food Truck Friday: Amorini Panini}

After a brief hiatus, {Food Truck Friday} is back! Yesterday, I splurged a little bit and went to two food trucks (I was starving). I went to {Sweet Bites} for a delicious pina colada with rum buttercream frosting cupcake, which gave me just the sugar rush I needed to get through the afternoon. Since I can’t be with my family on a beach right now, I figured it was the next best thing…

Continuing my comfort food streak, I decided to try Amorini Panini. Besides their food truck, they have a physical location  on F Street NW. After browsing the menu, I decided upon a “Montana Buffalo Chicken” and paid $7 for it.

Holy panini, Batman!

The sourdough panini was stuffed with chunks of chicken marinated in hot sauce and green peppers with a ranch dressing. It was delicious and the service was very prompt so I was a happy customer! I have never been to their actual restaurant but would definitely recommend Amorini Panini food truck. Remember how I was starving? I ate the panini minus the last 2 bites and was so full for the rest of the day!

P.S. The winners of the Swell Caroline giveaway will be announced on Monday! Have a lovely weekend!

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  1. 5.16.12
    Matt Gray said:

    Great review! Enjoy the next one on us! Show this to the cashier and you’re good to go.

    Thank you!