DC Guide


My Biggest Farmer’s Market Secret

Growing up, I loved going to open air farmer’s stands in the spring + summer with my mom. Zucchinis, tomatoes the size of my head and watermelon were my favorites, that watermelon never lasted 24 hours in our house. When I moved to…

Capitol Hill Snapshots

Spring seems to be taking its dear sweet time sprunging and I don’t know about you but I’m dying for some pops of green outside! After a seriously frigid (read: neverending) winter, I need some colorful visual therapy so I turned…

Popchips x Gilt City

In less than a month, I’ve clocked two warehouse sales. Count ’em, two. And have yet to see a single fight break out over a top. Or someone lose a limb desperately clinging to a hanger. Basically, my warehouse sale preconceptions based…

Scratch DC

The best laid dinner plans oft go awry. There are Saturdays where I get this huge boost of productivity and look up a fancy recipe to give a whirl and decide to go to the grocery store armed with my…

Best Places in DC to Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos

Paper Source  Happy Halloween!! Growing up, I loved Halloween, planning my costume, going to my school’s party and, of course, trick-or-treating. I love a good ghost story so I binge-watched Scariest Places on Earth and stayed up late reading Scary Stories To…

Hi, I’m Lauren Anne and I’m so happy you’re here! Welcome to my blog, where I share classic style, tasty recipes, fun cocktails, snippets of my everyday life with my husband, James, and our sweet hound, Riley, and more.

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