Cap FABB Anniversary Soiree

Happy Wednesday!! We are officially one day until {Thirsty Thursday} and two days until {Food Truck Friday}/the weekend!! Bonus: it’s supposed to be 66 degrees in D.C. on Thursday. As you know from reading this blog, I am woefully inept at living in the cold and am dying for it to be spring! Well, last night, at Cap FABB’s soiree, I was able to experience an early spring. Take that, Puckstaney Phil!

Cap FABB stands for Capitol Area Fashion & Beauty Bloggers and is a “community where DC area bloggers can come together to connect, collaborate and organize events in the DC area.” I recently learned about this group in the last month & applied to become a member. While I consider my blog more of a lifestyle blog than fashion or beauty, I wanted to join this awesome group! And boy, am I glad I did!

Tonight, I attended Cap FABB’s Anniversary Soiree at Cities on 19th Street. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect since it was my very first Cap FABB event but I had a fabulous time! It was sponsored by H.Bloom, the floral delivery service, and there was a “Bud Bar” to build your own corsage. Well, I have a new found respect for florists because it was tough work!! I ended up taking a bunch of roses and other flowers at the end of the event because I adore having fresh flowers on my bedside table. It’s one of the simple pleasures in life!

Anyway, I love meeting new people so this event was like Mecca for me. I chatted with a bunch of bloggers and I’ve found through other blogger events, people who write blogs generally hit it off really well! I guess it does take a certain kind of personality to write a blog.

There were appetizers but I was too busy chatting and sipping on my sangria (even though it’s not Thirsty Thursday just yet) to try them. The sangria was delicious, I wish I was able to get the recipe for you but I was a bit preoccupied with the chit-chat!

The event really got me thinking about my own blog’s one year birthday. In case you are wondering, it’s May 15th: three days after I graduate college.

I’m thinking about having a small event for my blog’s birthday but I have to ask: what do you all think?! I know some of you don’t live in D.C. but how do you think I should celebrate my blog’s one year? I’d love to hear from you !!!

Sorry it’s a little fuzzy, I pinky promise better photos when I get my iPhone in a month! I’m wearing an Oleg Cassini black lace dress that I bought at Filene’s Basement during its closeout sale. My heels are from Jessica Simpson. Naturally, I’m holding a glass of sangria and three roses from the “Bud Bar” in my other hand!

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  1. 2.22.12
    Lindsey said:

    Oh I feel so bad that the picture came out fuzzy! We should have tried with the flash. Lovely meeting you last night!

  2. 2.22.12
    Elle of Chellbellz said:

    Welcome to CapFabb! Hopefully we’ll get to meet at the next meet up!

  3. 2.22.12
    Allix said:

    So nice chatting with you last night! Until next time 🙂

  4. 2.22.12
    Theresa said:

    This looks like such a great time! Love the idea of a blogaversary get together!