Chatting about the #1 best addition to my skincare routine in years. I cannot believe how much of a difference this product has made on my complexion. Read on for my Beauty Pie Youthbomb serum review.

Beauty Pie Youthbomb Serum Review
Earlier this year, I gave Beauty Pie a whirl after hearing rave reviews and purchased a yearly membership for $59. Being a member means I can bypass markups and pay the lab direct prices, which is amazing. In case your interest is piqued, I shared my thoughts on my first purchases from Beauty Pie in this post, featuring the Super Retinol Anti-Aging Hand Treatment, Japanfusion Genius Lift Elixir, and Superdrops Brightening Niacinamide.
I’ve been so impressed by the quality of their skincare products that I made another purchase, this time mostly focusing on their makeup. But one skincare product caught my attention because of the name. I mean, a serum called “Youthbomb?” I couldn’t put it in my cart fast enough!
Beauty Pie says their Youthbomb 360° Radiance Concentrate will “help visibly firm, resurface, brighten, tighten, hydrate and glow” and is “suitable for dullness, anti-aging and hyperpigmentation.” Yes to all of that! Always wanting the anti-aging boost (hello, almost 33) and I’ve got mild rosacea on my cheeks so I’m intrigued by a product that combats hyperpigmentation.
I always like to use a product for at least a month before sharing my thoughts on it. But, in this case, I’ve used the Youthbomb serum since mid-summer and this post is long overdue.
How I Fit This Serum Into My Skincare Routine
Beauty Pie says you can use this serum in the morning and night. My personal preference is to use the serum at night but if you apply it in the morning, be sure to apply SPF after to protect your skin. After removing my makeup, I cleanse my face and neck using my tried ‘n true Trader Joe’s Facial Wash with Tea Tree Oil. Next up, I apply a toner to hydrate my skin and to help it absorb the serums more efficiently. I used to roll my eyes at toner but after adding it to my line-up, I can’t deny it does make a difference.
I then apply a dropper-ful of the Youthbomb serum to my face and use another dropper-ful to my neck and décolletage. Typically, I pat the remaining drops from application onto the backs of my hands. My last step is a moisturizer to lock in the serum.
Beauty Pie Youthbomb Serum Review
Put simply, this is the best new skincare product I’ve tried. I look forward to “Youthbomb nights” because I know it means I will wake up with glowing skin! Bonus: This glow is real and it won’t wash away with your cleanser. It practically feels like an instant glow!
It’s also made a noticeable difference in minimizing the fine lines on my forehead and my skin feels significantly more hydrated when I’m using this serum compared to when I’m not.
You are going to love this product as much as I do! It works and feels like a luxury serum – but it’s only $48! I’m also super excited because when I went on Beauty Pie’s site ahead of writing this post, I saw they just launched Youthbomb Biologic Collage Peptide™ Cream. Of course, it’s already in my cart!