A Night on the Waterfront

A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com

After a week and a half vacation, I’m trying to ease back into the whole “No-longer-on-vacation-don’t-even-think-of-hitting-the-snooze-button” thing. It’s gonna be a slow ease.

Sundays are usually my Errand Day filled with schlepping groceries back from Trader Joe’s, laundry + prepping meals for the week. I always feel better starting Mondays off knowing, for a shining moment, I have things together.

My travel plans threw a wrench into my Sunday routine this weekend when my Saturday flight back to DC was cancelled and the earliest flight I could get was Monday morning.

And for that I am very grateful. Because while I didn’t do laundry (stopped writing mid-sentence to throw my clothes into the dryer) and my fridge is pretty much empty except for a bottle of rosé and some jalapeños, I was able to spend an extra day with my parents, Tommy and soak up an extra 24 hours in the 716.

A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com

The best place to go? Lake Erie Waterfront. And to a Buffalo institution: Dug’s Dive.


A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com

Oh yeah, you better believe there’s crispy bacon bits crumbled on top of this bad boy.

Please note the extreme level of willpower I had to dig down deep + exert to snap a pic because I dug (get it?!) in. Because it was rough.

I’ve had my fair share of lobster rolls but Dug’s Dive is far and above, my #1 choice. You get a lot o’ lobster and a hallelujah chorus starts the moment you take the first bite. Not a dramatization, you WILL hear a heavenly choir.

A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com

A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com

Me + my cutie pie, Tommy. He’s the sweetest!!

Family, check.

Delicious lobster roll, check.

Gorgeous view of the sunset over Lake Erie, double check! A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com

A Night on the Waterfront| dcgirlinpearls.com


Between the sailboats, the sunset, the lobster rolls + hydrangea action, I can’t pick a favorite part of my Sunday evening at Dug’s Dive.

But I’ll tell ya, it sure beats laundry ; )

* * *

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  1. 8.18.15
    Theresa Abellon said:

    You look so relaxed!!! Also you can see the love between you and Tommy! Hope you enjoyed your vacation at home!

    • 8.18.15

      I had a great vacation, thanks!! Tommy is really just the best, I love hanging out with him 🙂

  2. 8.18.15
    Jordyn Brown said:

    That lobster roll looks absolutely delish…great, now I’m craving one lol!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern Stylista

    • 8.18.15

      I’ve never had a lobster roll with crumbled bacon but WOAH game changer!