Sharing how James + I got engaged – because I don’t want to forget the best day of my life!

A Quick Note
I started this post a couple of weeks ago when the proposal actually happened. A LOT happened in my life that week (more on that later) so I’m finishing this post now that I have time to breathe + decompress. It was all good, positive things – just a lot of doors opening + closing within days of each other. Anyway.
I’m on my second cup of chai so let’s do this.
How We Met
Next month will be 3 years since James + I met. It’s a very long, winding + funny story because of all the absurd details and coincidences it took to get us to be in the same place at the same time. Maybe in the future, I’ll sit down to share those details but for now I’ll give you the condensed version.
James had been at Quantico for pretty grueling training + it was his first night off in months so he + his friends headed out to DC for some fun. That same day, I had been hopping around DC with girl friends since brunch + suggested we go to a bar on 14th+U as our last stop of the night. If you’re a DC girl, you’re probably familiar with Codmother – it’s a dive bar with the best playlist. Sadly, it closed its doors permanently because of the pandemic but I hope it rallies post-pandemic!! It’s really one of my favorite bars in the city.
Anyway, James is at Codmother with his friends because he was meeting a Tinder match (Something we joke about a lot) when my friends + I arrive. Our groups immediately merge. I was in the mood for a girls’ night so I head straight to the bar, zero interest in chatting with these guys. My lovely friend tells me to go be nice + dance with “that guy who keeps looking at you.” I roll my eyes + reply, “Ugh, fine.” The rest, as they say, is history.

How We Got Engaged
Okay, so upfront. I knew we were getting engaged that weekend. Back in December/January, we started talking about ring designs + while he wouldn’t tell me what he ultimately went with, he kept me updated (teasingly so) about the ring’s creation process + when he picked it up.
James told me it would be that weekend because with his work schedule, if it wasn’t that weekend, he wouldn’t be able to visit again until May or June. I also think the ring was burning a hole in his pocket ????
He arrived late on Thursday so we had a lazy Friday as I worked from home . James told me Friday evening that he arranged for us to do a wine tasting at a Virginia winery the next day. I was really excited to 1) spend time with James 2) get out of DC and 3) enjoy wine. I asked him what time we needed to leave to get there + he said 10am. I set my alarm for 8 so I could hit snooze a couple of times + not be in a rush to get out the door.
Well, promptly at 6:30am, James’ alarm goes off at full-volume – making me spring awake. He got up to start his day + I rolled over, which is pretty typical for us. About an hour later, he comes back and tells me, “I’ve got bad news. I need to go into work for a little bit.” Then he threw a bunch of confusing military acronyms and jargon at me.
I was immediately suspicious. Like I said, I knew we were getting engaged that weekend. I told him this stunk to high heaven + grilled him a little bit on this alleged work emergency. He passed the test.
Plus, it has happened before when we were together that he had to dash to work so this wasn’t completely out of the ordinary.
James said the wine tasting he’d signed us up for was non-refundable + he arranged for me to go with friends instead + that he’d make it up to me at dinner that night. Then he left so I started getting ready.
My friends picked me up at 10 + I tried to get myself out of my disappointed mini-funk that James + I wouldn’t be spending the day at a winery.
As we were getting to the winery, James called me to check how I was doing + if I arrived yet. I told him we’d just pulled in + that I’d bring back a bottle or two of wine for us to enjoy later once he was done with work. He said work was winding down + hopefully he’d only be another hour or two in the office.
I’d already Googled the distance between Quantico + the winery so I knew at best I wouldn’t see him for another 2.5-3 hours ????
Once we arrived, I was lured to a corner of the winery’s grounds under the guise of my friend wanting Instagram pics. Then, out of nowhere, James pops up.
I was SO surprised + caught off-guard that my initial reaction was to blurt out, “What are you doing here?” Then, he pulled out a ring box, got down on one knee – my brain instantly went completely + totally blank, which is no easy feat, let me tell you.
Oh, and I was so stunned that I left my mask on the entire time. Major face palm but also a funny detail we can laugh about for years to come ????
James completely knocked it out of the park with both the ring AND the surprise!! We had the best day with great friends + great wine. It was everything I wanted + more.
Wedding planning has begun-ish since we have plenty of time so for right now, I’m enjoying being engaged + definitely enjoying the new sparkle on my left hand ????